As I have said, I am sick and it hurts pretty bad... I was talking to Antonio yesterday and he goes "magari hai parotite"... translation... "Maybe you have THE MUMPS"!!!! I looked at him and go... "are you crazy? People don't get mumps... have you ever had the mumps?" he responded that he had.... WHAT!?!?!?! I thought no one got the mumps, at least I had never heard of anyone getting them! Apparently he had them when he was a kid, I asked if he had ever gotten the vaccine, he said he did, but that he got the mumps anyway.... I thought it was eradicated or something, but I guess not. Apparently people get it often out here!
The other day I was passing by a kindergarten type school and there was a sign letting people know that a few days ago a child was diagnosed with "Scarlattina.. of course I come home to look up what it is..... SCARLET FEVER... The only person i have ever heard of getting Scarlett fever was Gilbert Blythe on Anne of Green Gables and that was because he was a doctor and it was the 1800's.... but I've never known a "real" person to get Scarlet fever.....
Finally, as I was watching MTV today I couldn't help but realize how special Italy is when I saw a commercial for the "Say not to the Mafia" day that they are holding..... These are definitely things I never knew existed... of course I knew the Mafia existed... but Anti-Mafia days... it's crazy... Only in Italy!!!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Interesting little tidbit...
According to the French, Santa Claus comes from Finland! I found this out when my french friend Noemie happened to mention it, after which I mentioned that she was crazy because he was from the North Pole...
Very interesting!!!!
Very interesting!!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Very Interesting and Very True
Today on MSN there was this article entitled "10 reasons to give thanks to women".... I read it out of curiosity, I don't always agree with what is said because they are usually extreme generalizations... however, this article spoke to me in a way that these types of articles normally don't. In fact, I found it so relevant, to myself at least, that I decided to post the reasons here.... Here we go:
"1. Like it or not, we groom you for a real relationship
Whether it’s the mom who taught you to respect us, the sister who told you our secrets, or even the last girl who dumped you because you weren't ready to settle down, the women in your life help to shape you into the best man you can possibly be. So that when you meet The One, you’ll be ready, willing and able. "
This is fairly true, I mean think about it... we always give our guy friends advice... in my case, with regards to a certain friend, I am brutally honest and blunt. I like to think this gives him a slight insight into women's minds!
"2. We’re sympathetic
Before we try to solve the problem (as men tend to do), we acknowledge it. We say things like: “That must have hard for you seeing your friend get the promotion instead of you—how do you feel about it?” It may not seem like much, but a world without women’s compassion and understanding would be a pretty cold place."
This is extremely true. I can't even count how many times I've said "wow, that's horrible, how are you dealing with that?" or something along those lines, while from a male the response would have been "wow, what are you going to do about it?" which offers no sympathy, no mention of the other persons feelings....
"3. We’re extraordinary ego-boosters
If it seems as though women are forever fishing for compliments, it’s because they’re nice to hear, especially when they’re sincere. That’s why we dole them out—about how handsome you look in that suit, how awesome you are at air hockey, how mind-blowing you are in bed, et cetera."
Soooo true! I am always giving Antonio compliments, and I mean them, I dole them out constantly and willingly... I like to make him feel good about himself.....
"4. We’re soft
Soft hair, soft lips, soft skin… and so forth. All in all, it’s a pretty huggable package."
This is also true. Antonio makes fun of the fact that every time I get out of the shower I spend a good chunk of time, when I have it, putting on's so #1 I smell good and #2 so I am soft! So there!!!!
"5. We keep your social life hopping
Before there were Palm Pilots, there were women. We organize, we schedule, we remember. Admit it—you get out a whole lot more and have a more interesting life when you’re dating someone who wants to do something besides sit home and watch TV all the time."
I will admit that I am a bit of a homebody, but it is true that if it wasn't for me Antonio wouldn't travel as much as he does!
"6. We listen
The stereotype of woman as chatterbox is unfair. OK, scratch that—we do love to talk. But not in a vacuum. That’s why we’re always urging you to talk; we believe in communication and that means we want to listen, too. Go ahead, open up—tell us what you were like as a little kid and how you plan to save the world."
I do love to talk.... a lot, but I am an amazing listener too!
"7. We have a civilizing influence
Yes, you probably could survive in a bachelor pad adorned with nothing but a TV and a six-pack in the fridge. But once a woman enters the picture, prepare to see some improvements even if you’re not living together yet. Due to our nest-feathering instincts, we strategically place pillows, search for thick, absorbent bath towels, and not only use sheets but change them regularly. Ahhhh! "
Oh dear lord... this couldn't be more true!!!! Antonio had been living in our first apartment for over 3 years when I moved in and the only thin on the walls was a calendar, within a week of me having moved in the entire room was decorated... when his parents came to visit his mom commented, "it's obvious that there is a girl living here now". In our new apartment I decorated right away and he always comments on how nice it looks and how much he likes it... yea that's because I have that feminine touch! I like the house clean, and I change the sheets somewhere between every week to every 2.5 weeks, depending on the weather, whereas Antonio would change them like once a month, if that!!!! Gross!
"8. We inspire you to shoot for gold
Think it’s an accident the Muses were all women? Somebody’s got to encourage your rock opera, psyche you up before that job interview, and root for your basketball team. We do it because we recognize your potential and know you can achieve your goals. And we want to cheer you on."
I am Antonio's very personal cheerleader. I always cheer him on and let him know that if he puts his mind to it, he can achieve his goals!
"9. We make worthy opponents
Yeah, yeah, we’re soft and sweet most of the time. But engage us in battle, and we will tear your #%$^@ing head off. So be thankful — be very, very thankful — that we like you right now."
Females are the most cruel species I know of... Not only are we able to engage in physical battle, but our specialty is psychological war tactics.... and not only do we know your week points, but we aren't afraid to use them!
"10. If you want kids someday, we’re usually willing to have them
And the labor pains. And the stretch marks. And in between, the periods. You’re welcome."
Enough said!
"1. Like it or not, we groom you for a real relationship
Whether it’s the mom who taught you to respect us, the sister who told you our secrets, or even the last girl who dumped you because you weren't ready to settle down, the women in your life help to shape you into the best man you can possibly be. So that when you meet The One, you’ll be ready, willing and able. "
This is fairly true, I mean think about it... we always give our guy friends advice... in my case, with regards to a certain friend, I am brutally honest and blunt. I like to think this gives him a slight insight into women's minds!
"2. We’re sympathetic
Before we try to solve the problem (as men tend to do), we acknowledge it. We say things like: “That must have hard for you seeing your friend get the promotion instead of you—how do you feel about it?” It may not seem like much, but a world without women’s compassion and understanding would be a pretty cold place."
This is extremely true. I can't even count how many times I've said "wow, that's horrible, how are you dealing with that?" or something along those lines, while from a male the response would have been "wow, what are you going to do about it?" which offers no sympathy, no mention of the other persons feelings....
"3. We’re extraordinary ego-boosters
If it seems as though women are forever fishing for compliments, it’s because they’re nice to hear, especially when they’re sincere. That’s why we dole them out—about how handsome you look in that suit, how awesome you are at air hockey, how mind-blowing you are in bed, et cetera."
Soooo true! I am always giving Antonio compliments, and I mean them, I dole them out constantly and willingly... I like to make him feel good about himself.....
"4. We’re soft
Soft hair, soft lips, soft skin… and so forth. All in all, it’s a pretty huggable package."
This is also true. Antonio makes fun of the fact that every time I get out of the shower I spend a good chunk of time, when I have it, putting on's so #1 I smell good and #2 so I am soft! So there!!!!
"5. We keep your social life hopping
Before there were Palm Pilots, there were women. We organize, we schedule, we remember. Admit it—you get out a whole lot more and have a more interesting life when you’re dating someone who wants to do something besides sit home and watch TV all the time."
I will admit that I am a bit of a homebody, but it is true that if it wasn't for me Antonio wouldn't travel as much as he does!
"6. We listen
The stereotype of woman as chatterbox is unfair. OK, scratch that—we do love to talk. But not in a vacuum. That’s why we’re always urging you to talk; we believe in communication and that means we want to listen, too. Go ahead, open up—tell us what you were like as a little kid and how you plan to save the world."
I do love to talk.... a lot, but I am an amazing listener too!
"7. We have a civilizing influence
Yes, you probably could survive in a bachelor pad adorned with nothing but a TV and a six-pack in the fridge. But once a woman enters the picture, prepare to see some improvements even if you’re not living together yet. Due to our nest-feathering instincts, we strategically place pillows, search for thick, absorbent bath towels, and not only use sheets but change them regularly. Ahhhh! "
Oh dear lord... this couldn't be more true!!!! Antonio had been living in our first apartment for over 3 years when I moved in and the only thin on the walls was a calendar, within a week of me having moved in the entire room was decorated... when his parents came to visit his mom commented, "it's obvious that there is a girl living here now". In our new apartment I decorated right away and he always comments on how nice it looks and how much he likes it... yea that's because I have that feminine touch! I like the house clean, and I change the sheets somewhere between every week to every 2.5 weeks, depending on the weather, whereas Antonio would change them like once a month, if that!!!! Gross!
"8. We inspire you to shoot for gold
Think it’s an accident the Muses were all women? Somebody’s got to encourage your rock opera, psyche you up before that job interview, and root for your basketball team. We do it because we recognize your potential and know you can achieve your goals. And we want to cheer you on."
I am Antonio's very personal cheerleader. I always cheer him on and let him know that if he puts his mind to it, he can achieve his goals!
"9. We make worthy opponents
Yeah, yeah, we’re soft and sweet most of the time. But engage us in battle, and we will tear your #%$^@ing head off. So be thankful — be very, very thankful — that we like you right now."
Females are the most cruel species I know of... Not only are we able to engage in physical battle, but our specialty is psychological war tactics.... and not only do we know your week points, but we aren't afraid to use them!
"10. If you want kids someday, we’re usually willing to have them
And the labor pains. And the stretch marks. And in between, the periods. You’re welcome."
Enough said!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I feel bad about complaining
So, as the title of this post suggests, I feel kind of bad about the fact that I complained so much about having to be up early yesterday. I still think it sucks that I woke up so early for nothing, but it seems insignificant now that I know the reason the professor didnt show up is because his brother died! Poor professor, and he seems so sweet and the class is actually pretty interesting. This professor not only came out of retirement to teach this class, but he is also doing it for free, due to some beaurocratic difficulties... so he isn't just doing it because he has to, he really wants to teach this class... and he already called on me twice in class today after he found out I was American, not in an 'Im going to pick on her' kind of way... but to ask me if what he was saying applied to American "communities" or to translate the word 'hobo', which he knew what the translation was, but he asked me anyway...Now I know I have to be on my toes and make sure I don't make an idiot out of myself... but there are only about 20 of us in the class, if that, and almost all the people in this class were in my class last module, so it's nice.... I get a feeling I am going to be seeing the same faces a lot in the next 2 years!
So moral of the story: don't assume the prof. just didn't want to come or was trying to make your life more difficult (it happens out here) and I have to make sure to pay attention in class so he doesn't catch me off guard
I think I am really going to like this class!
So moral of the story: don't assume the prof. just didn't want to come or was trying to make your life more difficult (it happens out here) and I have to make sure to pay attention in class so he doesn't catch me off guard
I think I am really going to like this class!
Monday, November 12, 2007
I am going to freeze to death
Just one last thing, since I am in a bitchy venting mood.... the weather out here is not OK.....
It should not be 2 degrees Celsius when I leave at almost 9am to go to class.....that is just not acceptable for my So. Cal raised body... I thought Davis used to get cold... well 2 degrees is freezing, literally... if it were to rain at the moment at 2 degrees celsius it would freeze and become snow. This is bullshit! Don't even get me started on how cold it is at night... this week they predicted lows of -10!!!!!
My body is feeling it too, my lips are super cracked, even though I slather on Chapstick (the good kind too, the medicated kind), everytime I step outside and throughout the day too. My hands are super dry and one of the looked like it was almost going to start bleeding the other day, my skin is super dry ... so no everytime I come home the first thing I do is slather on lotion on any body part that was exposed to the cold... and I started getting dandruff, because of the cold apparently... it's GROSS... but I'be noticed almost everyone has it out here, at least mine isn't visible if I wash my hair daily, but I was trying to wash it every other day, guess that isn't going to work! I noticed it last year too, as soon as the weather gets freezing my body really starts acting up, I guess I'm just not used to it.... because as soon as it warms up just a bit everything goes back to normal. The scary thing is that it gets colder out here.... a lot colder, it's barely November... January and February are going to be brutal!
For all my U.S. based friends, ie people who don't have to deal with the metric system... 2degrees Celsius would probably be mid- to low- 30's... and I'll just let you imagine what -10 would be.... the idea of what it is in Farenheit pains me!
It should not be 2 degrees Celsius when I leave at almost 9am to go to class.....that is just not acceptable for my So. Cal raised body... I thought Davis used to get cold... well 2 degrees is freezing, literally... if it were to rain at the moment at 2 degrees celsius it would freeze and become snow. This is bullshit! Don't even get me started on how cold it is at night... this week they predicted lows of -10!!!!!
My body is feeling it too, my lips are super cracked, even though I slather on Chapstick (the good kind too, the medicated kind), everytime I step outside and throughout the day too. My hands are super dry and one of the looked like it was almost going to start bleeding the other day, my skin is super dry ... so no everytime I come home the first thing I do is slather on lotion on any body part that was exposed to the cold... and I started getting dandruff, because of the cold apparently... it's GROSS... but I'be noticed almost everyone has it out here, at least mine isn't visible if I wash my hair daily, but I was trying to wash it every other day, guess that isn't going to work! I noticed it last year too, as soon as the weather gets freezing my body really starts acting up, I guess I'm just not used to it.... because as soon as it warms up just a bit everything goes back to normal. The scary thing is that it gets colder out here.... a lot colder, it's barely November... January and February are going to be brutal!
For all my U.S. based friends, ie people who don't have to deal with the metric system... 2degrees Celsius would probably be mid- to low- 30's... and I'll just let you imagine what -10 would be.... the idea of what it is in Farenheit pains me!
I woke up early for nothing/ I STILL don't understand the Italian Uni. system
The second module of classes started today. I had class this morning at 9am, I woke up at a quarter to 8 and did my hair and my make-up, got dressed, ate breakfast and was out the door by 8:45ish....I get to my dept. and I go and check the announcements board, usually if a Prof. decides to cancel a class or the entire course (it's happened) they put up an announcement on the board to let students know.... so I'm looking at all the orange announcements, and trying to see if my course is up there... I don't see it so I go to find the classroom... I know it is room 105 so I know it is going to be on the first floor (out in Europe the floor when you first walk in is the Ground Floor, the first floor up is the First floor and so on). I climb the stairs and see room 108, 112, 115, and so on, but not room 105, so I finally had to ask someone, and they go oh are you doing that course with Gubert, I say yes, and he goes... class has been cancelled for today, there's an announcement.... so I woke up early for nothing today... I go back to the announcement board, and sure enough on the corner on WHITE paper (all the announcement are on ORANGE paper) there is announcement saying class has been cancelled for today... it doesn't say anything about tomorrow... so hopefully I won't wake up for nothing tomorrow too.
I get so frustrated with the school system out here. When I studied abroad the system was different for us Americans because the regular Uni. rules didn't apply to us. So it is really hard to have to figure it out on my own. Compared to the school system out here the American University system holds our hands through the whole process...
*Out here each department is like their own mini-university... the rules for the engineering dept. are not the same for the soc dept. and so on... it's like these mini-universities put together make the whole University... but they all have their own rules and regulations to follow, so just because your friend in the letters and philosophy dept. can do something doesn't mean I can, since I am in a different dept. (facolta').
*Most Professors don't hand out a syllabus, you have to find it online... that's something I noticed you have to search for everything here, hunt it down, nothing is spelled out clearly for you like it is in the states. The "syllabus", and I use the term loosely, you do find doesn't have any contact info for the prof. and they don't offer it up during class. I had to actually stop my professor after class and ask when his office hours were, and the response was... all my information is online... So, I went online and looked and his information was NOT online, at least not where I could find it, so I had to stop him and ask again after the next class and finally he told me... thursday from hard was that? You couldn't just tel me that last time I asked.
*There are no class study sessions for exams, there are no handouts to help you out with focussing on what you should be studying for the exam, there are no midterms, and mostly oral exams... so the whole outcome of the course depends on your 20-30 minute oral exam... and for someone who has never really had to do oral exams that is not only frustrating, but also terrifying.
*I freak out about the idea of not passing an exam, while most Italians take the attitude of "well, you'll pass it next time". That's because here in Italy you can take an exam as many times as you want. They have different exam periods and if you didn't pass the exam in exam period 1, then you can try and take the exam again during exam period 2, and so on. When I tell Italians that in the U.S. you generally only take a course once, and if you fail you have to take the whole course over again, not just the final exam they are completely shocked, the idea blows them away, it's unfathomable out here.
*This is more specifically aimed at the Soc dept and more spefically at my specialty... I am a first year in my specialty, and they won't let me take any second year exams which wouldn't be a problem except that they have really shitty planning. I only had 1 course last module, and only 1 this module (technically there is another course, but it is offered during the time that I work, so I am going to take the exam 'Non frequentante', which means I'm taking the exam w/o attending the course)... so 1 course every module sounds great... but then next semester.... the 1st module of the 2nd semester I have like 7 or 8 courses and ditto for the 2nd module.... I mean come on people spread it out... this is really shitty planning. I wanted to try to get that course for the second year out of the way, but they won't even give me the opportunity to register for the exam, it's not like there is a pre-req course from the 1st year coursework for this course, there are no pre-req's and it has nothing to do with the other courses, so why can't I take it if it is going to help me out in the long run? It's so frustrating, I am going to go to the class today anyway and try to talk to the professor and see if he will cut me some slack and let me take the exam and then freeze my grade and not register it until next year... I doubt he'll do it, but it's worth a shot!
I'm just annoyed and frustrated because I don't fully understand the school system out here!
Oh and one last thing, I really want to get these exams out of the way, because I am going to have make-up credits to do since I didn't get my B.A. out here, which is ridiculous, but those are the rules... I don't know how many make-up credits I am going to have to take... but I'm sure I won't be able to graduate in 2 years, probably more like 3 or 3.5 years.... They're supposed to send me a letter sometime this month letting me know how many credits I have to make-up. Stupd Italian school system! Grad School is hard enough without this extra stress!
I get so frustrated with the school system out here. When I studied abroad the system was different for us Americans because the regular Uni. rules didn't apply to us. So it is really hard to have to figure it out on my own. Compared to the school system out here the American University system holds our hands through the whole process...
*Out here each department is like their own mini-university... the rules for the engineering dept. are not the same for the soc dept. and so on... it's like these mini-universities put together make the whole University... but they all have their own rules and regulations to follow, so just because your friend in the letters and philosophy dept. can do something doesn't mean I can, since I am in a different dept. (facolta').
*Most Professors don't hand out a syllabus, you have to find it online... that's something I noticed you have to search for everything here, hunt it down, nothing is spelled out clearly for you like it is in the states. The "syllabus", and I use the term loosely, you do find doesn't have any contact info for the prof. and they don't offer it up during class. I had to actually stop my professor after class and ask when his office hours were, and the response was... all my information is online... So, I went online and looked and his information was NOT online, at least not where I could find it, so I had to stop him and ask again after the next class and finally he told me... thursday from hard was that? You couldn't just tel me that last time I asked.
*There are no class study sessions for exams, there are no handouts to help you out with focussing on what you should be studying for the exam, there are no midterms, and mostly oral exams... so the whole outcome of the course depends on your 20-30 minute oral exam... and for someone who has never really had to do oral exams that is not only frustrating, but also terrifying.
*I freak out about the idea of not passing an exam, while most Italians take the attitude of "well, you'll pass it next time". That's because here in Italy you can take an exam as many times as you want. They have different exam periods and if you didn't pass the exam in exam period 1, then you can try and take the exam again during exam period 2, and so on. When I tell Italians that in the U.S. you generally only take a course once, and if you fail you have to take the whole course over again, not just the final exam they are completely shocked, the idea blows them away, it's unfathomable out here.
*This is more specifically aimed at the Soc dept and more spefically at my specialty... I am a first year in my specialty, and they won't let me take any second year exams which wouldn't be a problem except that they have really shitty planning. I only had 1 course last module, and only 1 this module (technically there is another course, but it is offered during the time that I work, so I am going to take the exam 'Non frequentante', which means I'm taking the exam w/o attending the course)... so 1 course every module sounds great... but then next semester.... the 1st module of the 2nd semester I have like 7 or 8 courses and ditto for the 2nd module.... I mean come on people spread it out... this is really shitty planning. I wanted to try to get that course for the second year out of the way, but they won't even give me the opportunity to register for the exam, it's not like there is a pre-req course from the 1st year coursework for this course, there are no pre-req's and it has nothing to do with the other courses, so why can't I take it if it is going to help me out in the long run? It's so frustrating, I am going to go to the class today anyway and try to talk to the professor and see if he will cut me some slack and let me take the exam and then freeze my grade and not register it until next year... I doubt he'll do it, but it's worth a shot!
I'm just annoyed and frustrated because I don't fully understand the school system out here!
Oh and one last thing, I really want to get these exams out of the way, because I am going to have make-up credits to do since I didn't get my B.A. out here, which is ridiculous, but those are the rules... I don't know how many make-up credits I am going to have to take... but I'm sure I won't be able to graduate in 2 years, probably more like 3 or 3.5 years.... They're supposed to send me a letter sometime this month letting me know how many credits I have to make-up. Stupd Italian school system! Grad School is hard enough without this extra stress!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I am right..... as always
Words uttered from Antonio's mouth just now..... "you are right, as always" he said it, and now he can't take it back... it's out there....
I am right.....ALWAYS
I am right.....ALWAYS
I'm an idiot!!!!
Folks, don't clean your vases by stuffing your sponge down them! This is a lesson I learned today. I was washing the dishes and I had to clean a vase that had been recently used, this vase is rather small so I took the sponge and stuffed it own there with a knife, but was then unable to get it out! Antonio and I tried everything, we tried with a knife, a fork, pliers, 2 knives at the same time. Antonio told me I shoudl just break the vase, but I wasn't about to do that, it's made out of Murano glass and I paid a nice price for it, then he said I should just leave the sponge in there, which I couldn't do because then it would get all stinky... so finally after about half an hour of struggling I managed to get it out!!!!
So, the moral of the story is to not clean your vases by stuffing a sponge down them unless you are 100% you are going to be able to get it out after!
So, the moral of the story is to not clean your vases by stuffing a sponge down them unless you are 100% you are going to be able to get it out after!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Rain.... again
It's raining, it's pouring the old man is snoring, he went to bed and bumped his head and won't be up til morning!
It's raining, yet again... i would be more mad about it if it was just in my region, but (un)fortunately it is expected to rain in all of Italy for the next week. I open the weather forecast and see rain expected for everyday available, that's nice! I guess it could be worse... We could have major wildfires like in So. Cal.
My thoughts and prayers are with those who have been severely affected by those fires!
It's raining, yet again... i would be more mad about it if it was just in my region, but (un)fortunately it is expected to rain in all of Italy for the next week. I open the weather forecast and see rain expected for everyday available, that's nice! I guess it could be worse... We could have major wildfires like in So. Cal.
My thoughts and prayers are with those who have been severely affected by those fires!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Never thought of it that way
A friend sent me an email with this whole long lists of maybes and some of them actually made me go 'huh, I never thought of it that way'... here are the 3 that made me think someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart; but, if it doesn't, be content that it grew in yours.
*(It's true that we should be grateful for havnig the gift of being able to find love in our hearts to give to others)
Maybe...happiness waits for all those who cry, all those who hurt, all those who have searched, and all those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of all the people who have touched their lives
*( I was thinking it would say only they would appreciate everything they got in the end, but to appreciate the people who touched your life when you were hurting and down is a powerful thing, hopefully we all have people who can be there or us during those times, I know I do!) should hope for enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to keep building your faith
*( I guess I just never really took time to think that sorrow is the essence of our humanity and that without hope we really don't have much)
Just thought I would share these with you guys :) someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart; but, if it doesn't, be content that it grew in yours.
*(It's true that we should be grateful for havnig the gift of being able to find love in our hearts to give to others)
Maybe...happiness waits for all those who cry, all those who hurt, all those who have searched, and all those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of all the people who have touched their lives
*( I was thinking it would say only they would appreciate everything they got in the end, but to appreciate the people who touched your life when you were hurting and down is a powerful thing, hopefully we all have people who can be there or us during those times, I know I do!) should hope for enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to keep building your faith
*( I guess I just never really took time to think that sorrow is the essence of our humanity and that without hope we really don't have much)
Just thought I would share these with you guys :)
Yay for not having to put on more clothes
I love my boyfriend... I tend to wear only some thin yoga pants and a spaghetti strap top to bed and when I get up the morning I wear them around the house for a while. The temperature here in Trento has dropped big-time... for example the temperature outside right now is 8 degrees celsius, which for my American friends would be about mid 40's, and it is super windy too, and the temperature is only supposed to get lower this week. Antonio saw that I was kind of chilly this morning, and looked at me and goes, "are you cold?" to which I responded, "kind of".... well instead of saying what I thought he would say, something along the lines of 'why don't you throw on a sweater or wear something warmer' he looks at me and goes... "Do you want me to turn the heat on?".... That my friends is a random act of love. I'm sure he doesn't even know it and wasn't thinking about it... but the fact that he would suggest turning the heat on instead of making me throw on more clothes means a lot to me. It might not mean much, but to a person who feels more comfortable in yoga pants and a tank top than in a sweatshirt and sweats it means a lot! It's the little things that count in the end :)
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Study, Study, Study
I NEED to study! I know I am only taking one course at the moment, but I feel pretty safe in saying that grad school is a lot more intensive than an undergrad, not a huge discovery, it's to be expected I guess. Well, I have a lot to study and I do not seem to be able to do it... so I thought maybe if I made how much I have to study public then maybe I would feel guilty or it would finally hit me that I have a lot to do.... so here it is.... What I have to read:
Finish excerpt from the Communist Manifesto
Read Long exceprt by Weber
An excerpt by Parsons (in english)
An Excerpt by Sewell (also in english)
An ecerpt by Polanyi
An Excerpt by Mannheim (in english)
An excerpt by Arendt
2 very long chapters out of the prof. book (in english though)
I love that my prof. gives us excerpts and he copies them out of the books for us, so that means I haven't had to buy any books yet. It's a lot of reading, and it doesn't have to be done by this weekend, but I shoudl try to finish it all up as soon as possible... let's see how much Im able to do this weekend!
On the plus side I have lost quite a few lbs. since getting out here, which makes me happy :) on the down side I still have a cold :(
Finish excerpt from the Communist Manifesto
Read Long exceprt by Weber
An excerpt by Parsons (in english)
An Excerpt by Sewell (also in english)
An ecerpt by Polanyi
An Excerpt by Mannheim (in english)
An excerpt by Arendt
2 very long chapters out of the prof. book (in english though)
I love that my prof. gives us excerpts and he copies them out of the books for us, so that means I haven't had to buy any books yet. It's a lot of reading, and it doesn't have to be done by this weekend, but I shoudl try to finish it all up as soon as possible... let's see how much Im able to do this weekend!
On the plus side I have lost quite a few lbs. since getting out here, which makes me happy :) on the down side I still have a cold :(
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Socialized Medicine... not too bad, if you ask me!
I hate, and have hated for many years, President Bush.... I read in an article that Bush vetoed the child health care plan, or rather vetoed raising the funds to $35 Billion, and wanted to only raise it to $5 Billion. This is basically a plan that allows free child care to kids whose parents make too much money to recieve Medicaid, but not enough to purchase any kind of actual insurance. I think the part that pissed me off was when I read "It would be funded by raising the federal cigarette tax by 61 cents to $1 per pack." and the President vetoed it, "saying the Democratic bill was too costly, took the program too far from its original intent of helping the poor, and would entice people now covered in the private sector to switch to government coverage....Bush argued that the congressional plan would be a move toward socialized medicine by expanding the program to higher-income families."
I mean come on, how heartless can you be. It's benefitting children! I currently live in a country, or rather on a continent, where socialized medication/healthcare is the norm, and while it does have some problems, it is a pretty good system. In Italy all citizens have healthcare coverage, when i told a friend that we had to pay a co-pay for labor and delivery, she thought we were crazy and said "people out here would refuse to have children if we had t pay for it." Sometimes there is a wait for services, but if you know that you need a yearly exam for something, then schedule your appt. ahead of time. If it is an emergency they can usually fit you in, or worse come to worse, you could ge it done provately and pay, but you would pay next to nothing. Prescribed medicine is free, and other medicines are rather cheap! In France, any persons under 16 years of age, whether French or not, are automatically covered under their health care system. My dear friend Noemie is French and from what I have heard the French have a very good healthcare system that is free for it's citizens. I believe Canada has free health insurance too (I'm not 100% sure, but I think they do), and most Scandinavian countries have free healthcare too. Look at Sweden, mothers are given 420 days of maternity leave, or rather of days to use anytime between the childs birth and the child's 8th birthday, and the father gets 60 days, or months of "daddy-time" to get acquainted with his new child, and it's all paid...and that's just the tip of the iceberg, Uni. in most of Europe is really cheap and subsidized by the state of free. Where did we go wrong in all of this? How did we get stuck with outrageous healthcare costs and Universities with tuition upwards of $30,000.... if you ask me something is wrong with this picture!
I mean come on, how heartless can you be. It's benefitting children! I currently live in a country, or rather on a continent, where socialized medication/healthcare is the norm, and while it does have some problems, it is a pretty good system. In Italy all citizens have healthcare coverage, when i told a friend that we had to pay a co-pay for labor and delivery, she thought we were crazy and said "people out here would refuse to have children if we had t pay for it." Sometimes there is a wait for services, but if you know that you need a yearly exam for something, then schedule your appt. ahead of time. If it is an emergency they can usually fit you in, or worse come to worse, you could ge it done provately and pay, but you would pay next to nothing. Prescribed medicine is free, and other medicines are rather cheap! In France, any persons under 16 years of age, whether French or not, are automatically covered under their health care system. My dear friend Noemie is French and from what I have heard the French have a very good healthcare system that is free for it's citizens. I believe Canada has free health insurance too (I'm not 100% sure, but I think they do), and most Scandinavian countries have free healthcare too. Look at Sweden, mothers are given 420 days of maternity leave, or rather of days to use anytime between the childs birth and the child's 8th birthday, and the father gets 60 days, or months of "daddy-time" to get acquainted with his new child, and it's all paid...and that's just the tip of the iceberg, Uni. in most of Europe is really cheap and subsidized by the state of free. Where did we go wrong in all of this? How did we get stuck with outrageous healthcare costs and Universities with tuition upwards of $30,000.... if you ask me something is wrong with this picture!
Things a child should...and should not say!
Things a child should say: Please and Thank you
Things a child should not say: Child 1: "Sei una merda.... sei la merda che ho fatto stamattina." Child 2: "SI, magari sono una merda, ma io vado a casa a fare sesso. Tanto, tanto sesssssssso!" Rough Translation: Child 1: "you're a piece of shit... you're the piece of shit I shat this morning." Child 2: "Yeah, maybe I'm a piece of shit, but I'm going to go home to have sex. Lots and lots of seeeeeex!"
I take the bus to work usually, I could walk, but it has been cold and rainy lately, so I have been bussing it! Now at this bus stop there are usually 4 young boys that wait for the bus when they get out of school. These boys are roughly 7-8 years old and everyday they get to the bus stop and one turns to the other and will say something along the lines of "vaffanculo, pezzo di merda, bastardo, sei un coglione." (fuck you, you piece of shit, bastard, you're an asshole) to which the other boy will respond something just as bad if not worse, and all 4 of them basically do this to one another, and at some point someone will throw in the fact that they are going to go home to either "fare sesso" have sex or to "scoppare" fuck! They talk crap to one another until the bus comes and then they all get on the bus joking around about what I am assuming is normal kid stuff (assuming because the busses are usually packed, so they would probably get in trouble for speaking like that). They do this every single day! The first time I witnessed it I was completely shocked. I couldn't help but laugh, I mean I just couldn't believe what I was hearing, who speaks like that. It is the weirdest/funniest/most shocking thing I have seen in a while.
Antonio said that sometime next week he will come with me to witness this barrage of insults, I told him that if I ever have a child and I hear him speaking like that that I would probably smack him, it's completely unacceptable. The saddest thing of all, at least in my opinion, is that the mother of one of these boys is usually standing about 10 feet away from where they are spitting insults at one another, and she does nothing to stop them. I mean that's just bad parenting if you ask me!
Things a child should not say: Child 1: "Sei una merda.... sei la merda che ho fatto stamattina." Child 2: "SI, magari sono una merda, ma io vado a casa a fare sesso. Tanto, tanto sesssssssso!" Rough Translation: Child 1: "you're a piece of shit... you're the piece of shit I shat this morning." Child 2: "Yeah, maybe I'm a piece of shit, but I'm going to go home to have sex. Lots and lots of seeeeeex!"
I take the bus to work usually, I could walk, but it has been cold and rainy lately, so I have been bussing it! Now at this bus stop there are usually 4 young boys that wait for the bus when they get out of school. These boys are roughly 7-8 years old and everyday they get to the bus stop and one turns to the other and will say something along the lines of "vaffanculo, pezzo di merda, bastardo, sei un coglione." (fuck you, you piece of shit, bastard, you're an asshole) to which the other boy will respond something just as bad if not worse, and all 4 of them basically do this to one another, and at some point someone will throw in the fact that they are going to go home to either "fare sesso" have sex or to "scoppare" fuck! They talk crap to one another until the bus comes and then they all get on the bus joking around about what I am assuming is normal kid stuff (assuming because the busses are usually packed, so they would probably get in trouble for speaking like that). They do this every single day! The first time I witnessed it I was completely shocked. I couldn't help but laugh, I mean I just couldn't believe what I was hearing, who speaks like that. It is the weirdest/funniest/most shocking thing I have seen in a while.
Antonio said that sometime next week he will come with me to witness this barrage of insults, I told him that if I ever have a child and I hear him speaking like that that I would probably smack him, it's completely unacceptable. The saddest thing of all, at least in my opinion, is that the mother of one of these boys is usually standing about 10 feet away from where they are spitting insults at one another, and she does nothing to stop them. I mean that's just bad parenting if you ask me!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The way to my heart
So I think Antonio has finally figured it out. We were supposed to meet friends for a drink and dinner yesterday evening, and they texted saying they would be half an hour late, so I asked Antonio if we could go to the nearby bookstore. We went in and I, of course, went straight to the English language section. So I am looking at all these books I want to buy, when I come across this book called 'An Italian in Italy' by Beppe Severgnini, a really good, comical Italian writer. I have his book 'An Italian in America', (thanks for Adriano and Silvia who gave it to me for my brithday) where he writes about his year he lived in the U.S. and the big cultural differences between him and us, and it was really funny. This book is basically his view on Italian habits and ways of life after coming back from living abroad for a while. I really wanted it, but didn't want to spend money buying it, because well, I am once again a poor college student! Now, anyone who knows Antonio knows that reading is not something he likes to do for fun! However, when he saw how sad I was when I put the book back in it's place he picked it up and carried it around the store with us. When I asked him why he still had the book with him he said he would buy it for me, it was soooo completely unexpected and it made me so happy! As I told him, for some women flowers are the keys to their hearts, for other it's chocolate, or jewelery, or homecooked meals, and while I think all of those things are great, he finally figured out the way to mine.... Books!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Bicycle Thief!
No, not the movie, even though I have to admit it is a really good movie. Incredibly depressing, but a really good social commentary on the living/working conditions of post-war Italy.
I saw the saddest thing I have seen in a long time a few days ago. I was walking home from the weekly street market and it was pouring rain and I was about to turn onto my street and I hear some old man yelling "Ladro, Ladro" and then I see this guy riding by on a bike with an umbrella in hand. This old man really was an old man, I'm guestimating he was 85, but not a young 85. Well he tried to run after the thief, made it about 5 feet and tripped, fortunately there was a lady nearby that stopped him from falling. Well i guess this old man had stopped by a Tabbachi, which is an integral part of Italian society I have noticed, and since he was only going to be in there for about a minute he didn't bother locking it up, because it was raining and he would have gotten all wet trying to lock it up. So he was literally in the tabbachi for about a minute, I know because I saw him when he went in. Well I guess as soon as he went in someone came and took his bike AND umbrella.
It's one thing to steal, but then to steal from an old man...that's so cruel, they took not only his bike, but his umbrella too, which really sucked because it was raining.
I don't know why it affected me so much, but it did, it just made me really, really sad.
I saw the saddest thing I have seen in a long time a few days ago. I was walking home from the weekly street market and it was pouring rain and I was about to turn onto my street and I hear some old man yelling "Ladro, Ladro" and then I see this guy riding by on a bike with an umbrella in hand. This old man really was an old man, I'm guestimating he was 85, but not a young 85. Well he tried to run after the thief, made it about 5 feet and tripped, fortunately there was a lady nearby that stopped him from falling. Well i guess this old man had stopped by a Tabbachi, which is an integral part of Italian society I have noticed, and since he was only going to be in there for about a minute he didn't bother locking it up, because it was raining and he would have gotten all wet trying to lock it up. So he was literally in the tabbachi for about a minute, I know because I saw him when he went in. Well I guess as soon as he went in someone came and took his bike AND umbrella.
It's one thing to steal, but then to steal from an old man...that's so cruel, they took not only his bike, but his umbrella too, which really sucked because it was raining.
I don't know why it affected me so much, but it did, it just made me really, really sad.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Antarctica, you are on my shit list too
So I heard the other day that the temperature out here was going to cool down a little bit and that there was going to be a cold front moving in from Antarctica... Well it definitely moved in, and it seems to have settled in just fine. Monday was such a nice day, not cold at all, warm even and sunny. Tuesday was slightly overcast, but I went to the park and didn’t even need a sweater or anything. Then Wednesday hit and it has been raining non-stop since then. I would be ok if it was only some rain, but the temperature went waaaaay down. It went from a nice mid- to low 80’s to mid- 50’s…. that is one big cool down! Yesterday I had layered on a tank top, a long sleeved shirt over that and a regular t-shirt layered over that, plus my coat (not my big winter coat, but a coat nonetheless) and a scarf, a beanie, and my nice leather boots…. And I was freezing on the walk home from work. They said on the news that it should stop raining tonight; let’s hope they’re right. I didn’t listen to whether or not it’s supposed to get warmer, but I am assuming it will since it is supposed to be just a cold front moving through. Yesterday I heard some man exclaim, “Well, fall is definitely here.” All I could think is this is not fall weather, this is winter weather! Which, if you really think about it, in this area of Italy it is fall weather, I think it just seems colder than it is because it was such a drastic and sudden change. I get a feeling I better prepare myself for a very cold winter; I hope it snows this year, because last year was very disappointing!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I twisted my ankle. Why? Well because I am an idiot and don’t look where I am stepping. I was coming home from work, and since it looked like it might start raining, I decided to catch the bus home instead of walking, plus I was tired from partying the night before and had been sick all day Friday, not that I was super hung over, because I had a bit to drink, but not enough for me to be hungover, but I think something I ate was bad, because Antonio was sick too. A really good friend of ours graduated and we went up to a refuge in the mountains to party. We drank, ate a ton, his family from Sicily brought homemade Sicilian desserts for us, which was awesome and then all the adults left and us “kids” were left with a ton of food and a ton of alcohol. We were up in the mountains so it was freezing cold, like I had a tank top, 2 long sleeved shirts on and my jacket and I was still kind of cold. Around 9 some of our friends made some steak and ribs for everyone and I think it was the ribs that did it, because they tasted kind of funky to me. Than about 10 of us spent the night at the refuge, so Antonio and I didn’t make it home until about 10 the next morning, we had a great time. However, something we ate was bad, because Antonio and I both had a really bad morning!
Anyway, back to my horrible accident… I was waiting for the bus and listening to my ipod, and when the bus pulled up to the bus stop I was trying to find a new song to listen to so I was staring at my ipod while walking to the bus and didn’t see the big pothole in the sidewalk. I stepped right into it and twisted my ankle, so I kind of hobbled/hopped onto the bus and sat down, but my ankle was throbbing. It wasn’t a bad twist, but it was kind of painful, when I got off the bus it wasn’t so bad and it didn’t hurt too much. Then yesterday it hurt when I would make certain movements with my ankle, and it’s a little bit swollen, and if I move my ankle in a circle it’s painful. Hopefully it will stop hurting soon because it isn’t very fun! Next time I will be sure to look were I step!
Anyway, back to my horrible accident… I was waiting for the bus and listening to my ipod, and when the bus pulled up to the bus stop I was trying to find a new song to listen to so I was staring at my ipod while walking to the bus and didn’t see the big pothole in the sidewalk. I stepped right into it and twisted my ankle, so I kind of hobbled/hopped onto the bus and sat down, but my ankle was throbbing. It wasn’t a bad twist, but it was kind of painful, when I got off the bus it wasn’t so bad and it didn’t hurt too much. Then yesterday it hurt when I would make certain movements with my ankle, and it’s a little bit swollen, and if I move my ankle in a circle it’s painful. Hopefully it will stop hurting soon because it isn’t very fun! Next time I will be sure to look were I step!
Back to school, Back to school
I started school on Wednesday. I was terrified to show up to my first lesson, since I was pretty sure I was going to be the only foreign student there, and I was right. However, it was such a terrifying experience. The professor is German, so he speaks Italian slowly, which is great for me. The Italian school year is split into 2 semesters and then each semester is split into 2 modules. Module 1, the one I’m doing right now, I only have 1 class, the only bad things is that the class meets Wednesdays from 8-10, I haven’t had an 8am class in a while, but I bought this really powerful mint gum, which I’ve noticed helps keep me from falling asleep. Thursdays and Fridays class meets from 9-11. The nice thing about the Italian school system is that there are courses that are for the first year and courses for the second year, but you can do them whenever you want. So you could do 1st year courses your 2nd year and vice versa, and you can take as long as you want to finish your degree. So while I should be done in 2 years, theoretically, even though no one ever does, it will probably take ma little longer, since I am going to have extra credits to make up from the equivalent to their bachelors degree, I don’t find out until November how many credits I have to make up. Basically they evaluate my courses I did at UCD and then apply them to the Bachelors degree out here and if there are any classes from the Italian bachelors that I don’t have an equivalent to then I have to make it up out here, so it kind of sucks, but oh well!
I don’t know what it is about Italian students but I have noticed that they don’t really take notes. In 2 class periods I already had like 6 pages of notes, and both times I noticed that the people that sat around me barely filled up 1 page of notes, if that. Do they not care? Do they have really good memories? Or is note-taking not a crucial part of the Italian school system? They must think I am some super anal American because I noticed 2 of the guys sitting around me looking at my notes and raising their eyebrows, like “holy cow”. This class has an American feel to it, because the professor passed out a syllabus and there is like a reading for each lecture, so I am thinking he is new to the Italian school system, where professors don’t really do that. I appreciate it because it makes it easier for me to keep up with the class. The professor said we could either take a normal oral exam or write a paper as our final exam. I asked him if I could write it in English and he said that would be easier for him because it’s easier for him to read English than Italian, and I told him it was easier for me to write in English than in Italian. He asked if I was Italian and I said I wasn’t, that I was American and he was surprised he said that he thought I was Italian and that I speak the language very well, which was nice for me to hear, it made me very happy ☺ So now I just have to see how long he wants the paper to be, because if he wants a 7-page paper, then that’s fine, but if he wants some 15-page paper then it might be more convenient for me to do the oral exam.
Another difference I noticed about the Italian and the American school system is that in my Soc. classes back home concentrated a lot on modern sociologists, I mean we studied Marx, Weber and Durkheim, but not super in depth, and most of the books for my classes were written rather recently. Whereas here most of the reading has more to do with classical sociological theory, which sucks because I’m not very used to it. Like for this class the main text is by a contemporary sociologist named Boudon, but the readings that we use along with it are by classic sociologists like Marx, Weber, Tocqueville, Parsons (not super classical, but not as modern as I’m used to), etc. I kind of noticed this when I studied here a few years ago, but it really hit me when I went through the syllabus and realized yeah I had heard of some of these guys as in, “one of the main theorists in this area was Tocqueville, but we’re not going to study him, we’re going to look at someone more pertinent to today” At Davis many of my professors KNEW the authors of the books we used in class, I definitely can’t say that for the people I’m studying now. It was just a little thing I noticed, but I thought it was really interesting and it makes a big difference in the educational system.
I don’t know what it is about Italian students but I have noticed that they don’t really take notes. In 2 class periods I already had like 6 pages of notes, and both times I noticed that the people that sat around me barely filled up 1 page of notes, if that. Do they not care? Do they have really good memories? Or is note-taking not a crucial part of the Italian school system? They must think I am some super anal American because I noticed 2 of the guys sitting around me looking at my notes and raising their eyebrows, like “holy cow”. This class has an American feel to it, because the professor passed out a syllabus and there is like a reading for each lecture, so I am thinking he is new to the Italian school system, where professors don’t really do that. I appreciate it because it makes it easier for me to keep up with the class. The professor said we could either take a normal oral exam or write a paper as our final exam. I asked him if I could write it in English and he said that would be easier for him because it’s easier for him to read English than Italian, and I told him it was easier for me to write in English than in Italian. He asked if I was Italian and I said I wasn’t, that I was American and he was surprised he said that he thought I was Italian and that I speak the language very well, which was nice for me to hear, it made me very happy ☺ So now I just have to see how long he wants the paper to be, because if he wants a 7-page paper, then that’s fine, but if he wants some 15-page paper then it might be more convenient for me to do the oral exam.
Another difference I noticed about the Italian and the American school system is that in my Soc. classes back home concentrated a lot on modern sociologists, I mean we studied Marx, Weber and Durkheim, but not super in depth, and most of the books for my classes were written rather recently. Whereas here most of the reading has more to do with classical sociological theory, which sucks because I’m not very used to it. Like for this class the main text is by a contemporary sociologist named Boudon, but the readings that we use along with it are by classic sociologists like Marx, Weber, Tocqueville, Parsons (not super classical, but not as modern as I’m used to), etc. I kind of noticed this when I studied here a few years ago, but it really hit me when I went through the syllabus and realized yeah I had heard of some of these guys as in, “one of the main theorists in this area was Tocqueville, but we’re not going to study him, we’re going to look at someone more pertinent to today” At Davis many of my professors KNEW the authors of the books we used in class, I definitely can’t say that for the people I’m studying now. It was just a little thing I noticed, but I thought it was really interesting and it makes a big difference in the educational system.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The last 4 or 5 posts were written a while ago, but since I have found my self internet-less since I got here, I only now had the time to post them. I will be getting internet at my apartment, soon I hope... so that way I can stop bringing my laptop out to the street in order to use the wireless net that Trneto has set up around town. When I do have regular internet inside the comfort of my own home, I will be updating more often.
What if I wanted to sleep?
On Sunday I woke up early, watched some tv, and around 9 I went to lay back down because I was feeling kind of tired. Antonio woke up and we started talking, all of a sudden we hear a trumpet playing the wake-up song (you know, the one they always play in movies when kids are at camp… in order to wake them up). So they like half play it and then it dies down, I turn to Antonio and say, “who owns a trumpet around here?” we both just kind of ignore it and keep talking about school and how his exam period is going, when all of a sudden it starts up again, this time it’s super loud, and it plays the whole song, then there are drums that start up. We both jump out of the bed and go to the window, and on the street are some people all dressed up in medieval clothing and there are trumpet guys, but not real trumpets, those long trumpets that you always see in movies in castles with kings and stuff, well there were those and rows and rows of drummers, then there were flag bearers and whatnot… it was a whole medieval procession that apparently was starting on our street… So they start marching to the drums and it finally quiets down. Antonio and I got a laugh out of it, but I told him I would have been annoyed if I had actually wanted to sleep.
Later on in the day I want to Piazza Duomo (the main piazza in town) and there was an archery tournament going on, and everyone was dressed in medieval clothing there too, and then there were stands all over the place showing how people back then dyed their clothes and how they made fabric and how they did mosaics… and EVERYONE was dressed in medieval clothing, it was really neat. I guess they hold this festival in town every year. I thought it was pretty cool, so I am pretty sure all the kids in town thought it was awesome! I love it when a normal lazy day turns into something fun and exciting!!! It’s one of the small pleasures in life!
Later on in the day I want to Piazza Duomo (the main piazza in town) and there was an archery tournament going on, and everyone was dressed in medieval clothing there too, and then there were stands all over the place showing how people back then dyed their clothes and how they made fabric and how they did mosaics… and EVERYONE was dressed in medieval clothing, it was really neat. I guess they hold this festival in town every year. I thought it was pretty cool, so I am pretty sure all the kids in town thought it was awesome! I love it when a normal lazy day turns into something fun and exciting!!! It’s one of the small pleasures in life!
I am officially a student...again!
I took my Italian language test on the 4th, and passed with flying colors, went through orientation (even though I went through it 3 years ago when I studied abroad, I figured it would be good to freshen up my memory), and today I enrolled in the Sociology dept. as a grad student at the Universita’ degli studi di Trento. I found out some interesting facts about Trento, which I knew when I had done my own research on the university before studying abroad, but had since then forgotten. The dept.’s at the University are all ranked in the top 3 spots in a national ranking they do of universities in Italy. The school originally started out as a Sociological research institute, and later became the 1st sociology dept. to be formed in Italy and most of Europe. It is ranked 1st out of all soc dept.s in Italy and is 1st in Europe. Apparently it’s pretty famous throughout Europe for being pioneers in the sociological field in the European playing field. The University also has the only Cognitive Sciences dept. in all of Italy; it’s the newest dept., which was formed in 2004. The Soc. Dept has a ton of cool opportunities for students, which I am very excited about! Classes start on the 17th, and I’m kind of nervous and kind of excited!
My masters is in the area of societa;, territorio, ambiente (society, territories and [social] environment) …. Basically it deals with questions such as: How to promote economic growth in advanced and mature societies? How to allow the market to grow while safeguarding the environment and societies (such as how to prevent then from being exploited)? And the area that really interests me : How to protect the rights of minorities and promote cultural integration in a multiethnic and multiracial society? This area is extremely relevant in Europe right now especially with the formation of the E.U. and all the immigration from disadvantaged countries. It mainly deals with social populations and their mobility and migration, the social presences amongst these communities and their territorial attachments, economic growth and development in these area and the new transnational dimensions of the economy, culture and social relations. It might not make much sense the way I am describing it, but it is really interesting. It requires a bit of Econ. coursework, but that’s ok, I’ll learn to deal with it! Basically I get a sociological education in social environment, development, urban and rural realities, territorial mobility and interethnic relations.
It looks like I should have some fun classes to look forward to… Urban and Rural Soc., Soc. of Ethnic Relations, Soc. of International relations, Soc. of Immigration, etc. However it also looks like there are going to be some not so fun classes…. Economic Soc. Economic Geography… and the worst one is Social Statistics, I hate stats! I am going to have some credits to make-up from their triennale, because some of these classes have pre-req’s which I never did, but that’s ok… I knew coming into this that I was going to have the Grad work plus some undergrad credits to make up, oh well!
So I am really excited about this. It’s a completely different academic world out here, but that’s another post!
My masters is in the area of societa;, territorio, ambiente (society, territories and [social] environment) …. Basically it deals with questions such as: How to promote economic growth in advanced and mature societies? How to allow the market to grow while safeguarding the environment and societies (such as how to prevent then from being exploited)? And the area that really interests me : How to protect the rights of minorities and promote cultural integration in a multiethnic and multiracial society? This area is extremely relevant in Europe right now especially with the formation of the E.U. and all the immigration from disadvantaged countries. It mainly deals with social populations and their mobility and migration, the social presences amongst these communities and their territorial attachments, economic growth and development in these area and the new transnational dimensions of the economy, culture and social relations. It might not make much sense the way I am describing it, but it is really interesting. It requires a bit of Econ. coursework, but that’s ok, I’ll learn to deal with it! Basically I get a sociological education in social environment, development, urban and rural realities, territorial mobility and interethnic relations.
It looks like I should have some fun classes to look forward to… Urban and Rural Soc., Soc. of Ethnic Relations, Soc. of International relations, Soc. of Immigration, etc. However it also looks like there are going to be some not so fun classes…. Economic Soc. Economic Geography… and the worst one is Social Statistics, I hate stats! I am going to have some credits to make-up from their triennale, because some of these classes have pre-req’s which I never did, but that’s ok… I knew coming into this that I was going to have the Grad work plus some undergrad credits to make up, oh well!
So I am really excited about this. It’s a completely different academic world out here, but that’s another post!
Jet Lag Sucks!
I have been in Italy for a few days now and am having the worst jet lag. I have never really suffered much from jet lag, but this time it’s been really bad. My arms and shoulders feel like they are going to fall off, my whole body feels tired (probably thanks to my horrible trip) and my sleeping habits have been really weird. The other day I took a nap around 6, I was planning on sleeping an hour or two and when I woke up it as 10:30, around 12:30 Antonio was tired, so we went to bed and I was back up by 4:45ish I watched a couple of movies on my laptop. I crawled back into bed around 9 and didn’t get back up until noon!
I have been waking up early…. Between 6 and 8, usually closer to 6, and have been taking naps during the day, I feel like if I don’t take a nap I’m going to die and then end up sleeping more that I had planned on, or getting angry at Antonio for waking me up and being cranky, then it will be 1:30 am and I’m not at all tired. Yesterday I finally stayed up all day without a nap, but was in bed before 9pm, because I couldn’t take the tiredness….let’s hope I get over this soon because it’s really getting on my nerves and I don’t think Antonio appreciates it either ☺
I have been waking up early…. Between 6 and 8, usually closer to 6, and have been taking naps during the day, I feel like if I don’t take a nap I’m going to die and then end up sleeping more that I had planned on, or getting angry at Antonio for waking me up and being cranky, then it will be 1:30 am and I’m not at all tired. Yesterday I finally stayed up all day without a nap, but was in bed before 9pm, because I couldn’t take the tiredness….let’s hope I get over this soon because it’s really getting on my nerves and I don’t think Antonio appreciates it either ☺
United, you are on my list... shit list that is! I have decided that I am never going to fly United ever again. I had the trip from hell flying out to Venice from L.A. I got to the airport around 4:45am for my 7:50 flight; there was a huge queue to check-in (it was a Friday on a holiday weekend), but there was an empty check-in place, so I went over there just to weigh my luggage, I was afraid I was going to be overweight, but fortunately I wasn’t. Suddenly a United rep. shows up and asks me if I was there to check in, I said no and she asked me if I had an e-ticket, I said yeah and she said that she would check me in so I wouldn’t have to wait in such a long queue! I was so excited because I managed to skip about an hour wait ☺ I said bye to my mom (which was drama as always, the woman is going to see me in a month, but cries anyway) and went through security.
I made it through everything in about half an hour, if that. My flight is supposed to board at 7:15, so now all I have to do is wait. I found a little restaurant and had a breakfast bagel and juice, trying to pass the time. Well 7:15 comes and goes and we don’t start boarding the plane. They tell us there is a mechanical problem with the plane and that there is going to be a slight delay (words no one ever wants to hear). They finally board our 7:50 flight around 8:30. We get on the plane and are told that the mechanical problem light hasn’t gone off yet, but that it should be fixed soon and we should be leaving very soon. Well they kept us on the runway for over 2 hours, I managed to watch most of Spiderman 3 while sitting on the plane, and they tell us that they have tried to fix various things on the plane and the light still won’t go off, apparently the problem is the back-up fuel tank (say it with me people: That’s a big fucking problem!!!!!). So they have to fly a part in from Denver, so it will be at least 2 more hours. I only had a 4 hour layover in D.C. before my flight for Vienna left, so at this point I know my whole travel plan is shot to hell. They tell everyone to go to Customer Services to see what can be worked out.
They only had ONE Customer Services Rep. to help out the entire plane, now I knew it would be bad, so as soon as they told us to de-board the plane I grabbed my carry-ons and hauled ass! There were over 150 people waiting in line, fortunately I was around number 15, however it still took me 3 hours to get to the front of the line! By the time I got to the front they had 4 Customer Services Reps. helping people out. I tell the lady I had a connecting flight to Vienna, and that my final destination was Venice, and she goes, “Oh no, International flights are always the hardest to re-route” and I told her “Well I don’t care how you do it, but I have to be in Venice by Sunday afternoon the latest”. I had an exam on Monday morning, and if I didn’t show I would forfeit my right to the University. She spends over an hour trying to figure something out; apparently all the flights were booked. She tells me there is a flight out to D.C. that SHOULD leave at 2, so I look at her and go “should? “ she tells me it is the same plane I had been on earlier and it would leave at 2 id the problem was fixed by then, so I told her there was no way I was going to get on that plane again, I wouldn’t feel safe. So the next flight out to D.C. was at 11:30 pm, I would arrive in D.C. around 7am and she could re-route me via Frankfurt and I would arrive in Venice Sunday morning, a full 24 hours late!
She gave me vouchers for food in D.C. and she waitlisted me for business class for the flight from D.C. to Frankfurt. As I sat down I realized she didn’t give me any food vouchers for LAX, but refuse to wait in that line again, fortunately before I left home my mom made me 2 bologna sandwiches, packed me 2 peaches and a baggie of choc. Chip cookies and one of lemon cookies. By 11:30 pm it was all gone, except for the lemon cookies, which I still have. I passed the time by reading an entire book, listening to my ipod, and exploring the airport.
Finally the time comes to board my flight I get on and al of a sudden some girl says I am in her seat, well United had double booked the seat, so they make me grab my stuff and get off the plane. At this point I was beyond furious, so I go and talk to the guy outside, and chew him out… I was literally yelling at him at the gate telling him about how thanks to his incompetent airline I had been waiting at the airport for well over 16 hours and how it was ridiculous that they were doing this to me, and that I was not moving from the gate if it wasn’t on that flight, so that they better figure out some way to get me on that flight. Well fortunately there weren’t many people around that late at night, because I really caused a scene! Someone didn’t show up in time for the flight so there was 1 empty seat that they put me in.
The night before my flight I had only slept about 3 hours because I was busy finishing packing and I had figured I could sleep on the plane, so I was exhausted at this point. I was unable to sleep on the flight though because we got some pretty bad turbulence. I finally make it to D.C. and go straight to customer services to make sure that my ticket to Frankfurt, I explained what had happened on the other plane and told her I wouldn’t like to find myself in the same situation with this flight, she said I was registered for the flight, so there shouldn’t be a problem. I tell her I had a voucher to be waitlisted for business class and she goes, “well do you have points to trade in or something like that?” I told her no, so she asks why I was given the upgrade and I told her because thanks to United I was 24hours late arriving to my destination. She looks at me and goes, “We don’t do free upgrades, but you can always try” so I looked at her and responded, “It’s not free, I think I more than paid with my time!” and I walked away. At this point I was ridiculously tired, annoyed, dirty, and just plain grumpy. I got even grumpier when I found out that Antonio hadn’t been able to switch days with his co-worker so he wasn’t going to be able to get me at the airport, he had taken Saturday off planning on coming to get me, so basically I was going to have to be on my own on the train rides from Venice to Verona and Verona to Trento with 2 huge pieces of luggage and 2 carry-ons, and Europe in general is not very handicap friendly, so no ramps and no elevators, just lots of stairs. So this piece of info is making me even crankier!
I pass the time at the airport, and am delighted to find that they did bump me up to business class. I get on the plane and was amazed; as soon as I sat down I was offered champagne, which of course I took! The seats were so comfy, and I could kick out my legs and not hit the seat in front of me, the seat basically reclined to a full 180 degrees, so I was able to lay down while I slept. They gave out hot towels, had individual sized toothpastes and toothbrushes in the bathroom, along with facial moisturizers and a bunch of other creams. It was soooo nice, the best part had to be the meal! Normally in economy you get your food in a tin container, well in business class they come around and place a white tablecloth on your tray table and then bring you a white cloth napkin with real silverware (none of that plastic utensil shit in business class) and a Menu…. First they brought out a huge salad, with your choice of dressing and smoked salmon to everyone, then you could choose your main dish and whatever kind of wine you wanted from their wine list… I chose Roasted Chicken with Curry sauce which came with herbed basmati rice and creamed spinach, it was all delicious, it was surprisingly good … the other choices were Boursin Lasagna or Mustard-braised pork medallion! As dessert they bought out a cheese selection with port and Ice cream…. Yummy! As soon as I finished eating I took some sleeping pills (I was determined to sleep on this flight) and knocked out, I woke up a few times, but by the time I really came to we were crossing the English channel. They brought out our breakfast, which was fresh fruit, croissants, tea and coffee, yogurt, juice, etc.
I was ecstatic to have made it to Europe, I knew that in the worst of all situations I could catch a train and be home soon. I checked in to my flight with Lufthansa, and it seemed to be the shortest plain ride ever. We took off, I listened to 3 or 4 songs on my ipod, and it was time to land! The view from the flight was beautiful, we passed over the alps.
I won’t even go over the train rides, this post is too long as it is, but lets just say that I struggled a bit on my own, but I made it and I didn’t even miss a train, which amazed me, I was sure I was going to miss one of my trains and have to wait for the next one, but I didn’t! I finally made it home to Trento, Antonio met me at the train station, it was great to see him after 5 months ☺ and I got to see my new apartment, which is small but really cute and just right for us two!
Believe me when I say that I will never fly United again!
I made it through everything in about half an hour, if that. My flight is supposed to board at 7:15, so now all I have to do is wait. I found a little restaurant and had a breakfast bagel and juice, trying to pass the time. Well 7:15 comes and goes and we don’t start boarding the plane. They tell us there is a mechanical problem with the plane and that there is going to be a slight delay (words no one ever wants to hear). They finally board our 7:50 flight around 8:30. We get on the plane and are told that the mechanical problem light hasn’t gone off yet, but that it should be fixed soon and we should be leaving very soon. Well they kept us on the runway for over 2 hours, I managed to watch most of Spiderman 3 while sitting on the plane, and they tell us that they have tried to fix various things on the plane and the light still won’t go off, apparently the problem is the back-up fuel tank (say it with me people: That’s a big fucking problem!!!!!). So they have to fly a part in from Denver, so it will be at least 2 more hours. I only had a 4 hour layover in D.C. before my flight for Vienna left, so at this point I know my whole travel plan is shot to hell. They tell everyone to go to Customer Services to see what can be worked out.
They only had ONE Customer Services Rep. to help out the entire plane, now I knew it would be bad, so as soon as they told us to de-board the plane I grabbed my carry-ons and hauled ass! There were over 150 people waiting in line, fortunately I was around number 15, however it still took me 3 hours to get to the front of the line! By the time I got to the front they had 4 Customer Services Reps. helping people out. I tell the lady I had a connecting flight to Vienna, and that my final destination was Venice, and she goes, “Oh no, International flights are always the hardest to re-route” and I told her “Well I don’t care how you do it, but I have to be in Venice by Sunday afternoon the latest”. I had an exam on Monday morning, and if I didn’t show I would forfeit my right to the University. She spends over an hour trying to figure something out; apparently all the flights were booked. She tells me there is a flight out to D.C. that SHOULD leave at 2, so I look at her and go “should? “ she tells me it is the same plane I had been on earlier and it would leave at 2 id the problem was fixed by then, so I told her there was no way I was going to get on that plane again, I wouldn’t feel safe. So the next flight out to D.C. was at 11:30 pm, I would arrive in D.C. around 7am and she could re-route me via Frankfurt and I would arrive in Venice Sunday morning, a full 24 hours late!
She gave me vouchers for food in D.C. and she waitlisted me for business class for the flight from D.C. to Frankfurt. As I sat down I realized she didn’t give me any food vouchers for LAX, but refuse to wait in that line again, fortunately before I left home my mom made me 2 bologna sandwiches, packed me 2 peaches and a baggie of choc. Chip cookies and one of lemon cookies. By 11:30 pm it was all gone, except for the lemon cookies, which I still have. I passed the time by reading an entire book, listening to my ipod, and exploring the airport.
Finally the time comes to board my flight I get on and al of a sudden some girl says I am in her seat, well United had double booked the seat, so they make me grab my stuff and get off the plane. At this point I was beyond furious, so I go and talk to the guy outside, and chew him out… I was literally yelling at him at the gate telling him about how thanks to his incompetent airline I had been waiting at the airport for well over 16 hours and how it was ridiculous that they were doing this to me, and that I was not moving from the gate if it wasn’t on that flight, so that they better figure out some way to get me on that flight. Well fortunately there weren’t many people around that late at night, because I really caused a scene! Someone didn’t show up in time for the flight so there was 1 empty seat that they put me in.
The night before my flight I had only slept about 3 hours because I was busy finishing packing and I had figured I could sleep on the plane, so I was exhausted at this point. I was unable to sleep on the flight though because we got some pretty bad turbulence. I finally make it to D.C. and go straight to customer services to make sure that my ticket to Frankfurt, I explained what had happened on the other plane and told her I wouldn’t like to find myself in the same situation with this flight, she said I was registered for the flight, so there shouldn’t be a problem. I tell her I had a voucher to be waitlisted for business class and she goes, “well do you have points to trade in or something like that?” I told her no, so she asks why I was given the upgrade and I told her because thanks to United I was 24hours late arriving to my destination. She looks at me and goes, “We don’t do free upgrades, but you can always try” so I looked at her and responded, “It’s not free, I think I more than paid with my time!” and I walked away. At this point I was ridiculously tired, annoyed, dirty, and just plain grumpy. I got even grumpier when I found out that Antonio hadn’t been able to switch days with his co-worker so he wasn’t going to be able to get me at the airport, he had taken Saturday off planning on coming to get me, so basically I was going to have to be on my own on the train rides from Venice to Verona and Verona to Trento with 2 huge pieces of luggage and 2 carry-ons, and Europe in general is not very handicap friendly, so no ramps and no elevators, just lots of stairs. So this piece of info is making me even crankier!
I pass the time at the airport, and am delighted to find that they did bump me up to business class. I get on the plane and was amazed; as soon as I sat down I was offered champagne, which of course I took! The seats were so comfy, and I could kick out my legs and not hit the seat in front of me, the seat basically reclined to a full 180 degrees, so I was able to lay down while I slept. They gave out hot towels, had individual sized toothpastes and toothbrushes in the bathroom, along with facial moisturizers and a bunch of other creams. It was soooo nice, the best part had to be the meal! Normally in economy you get your food in a tin container, well in business class they come around and place a white tablecloth on your tray table and then bring you a white cloth napkin with real silverware (none of that plastic utensil shit in business class) and a Menu…. First they brought out a huge salad, with your choice of dressing and smoked salmon to everyone, then you could choose your main dish and whatever kind of wine you wanted from their wine list… I chose Roasted Chicken with Curry sauce which came with herbed basmati rice and creamed spinach, it was all delicious, it was surprisingly good … the other choices were Boursin Lasagna or Mustard-braised pork medallion! As dessert they bought out a cheese selection with port and Ice cream…. Yummy! As soon as I finished eating I took some sleeping pills (I was determined to sleep on this flight) and knocked out, I woke up a few times, but by the time I really came to we were crossing the English channel. They brought out our breakfast, which was fresh fruit, croissants, tea and coffee, yogurt, juice, etc.
I was ecstatic to have made it to Europe, I knew that in the worst of all situations I could catch a train and be home soon. I checked in to my flight with Lufthansa, and it seemed to be the shortest plain ride ever. We took off, I listened to 3 or 4 songs on my ipod, and it was time to land! The view from the flight was beautiful, we passed over the alps.
I won’t even go over the train rides, this post is too long as it is, but lets just say that I struggled a bit on my own, but I made it and I didn’t even miss a train, which amazed me, I was sure I was going to miss one of my trains and have to wait for the next one, but I didn’t! I finally made it home to Trento, Antonio met me at the train station, it was great to see him after 5 months ☺ and I got to see my new apartment, which is small but really cute and just right for us two!
Believe me when I say that I will never fly United again!
Friday, March 2, 2007
My liver probably hates me!
I have a lot to write, so I will probably break it up into two posts... first the "fun" post, then the work post. My friend Silvia graduated on Wednesday. There are few times where it is socially acceptable to be completely drunk by 5pm, and this was one of them. Graduations work very differently out here than they do in the U.S. To begin with you have to write a these, around 50 pages more or less and discuss it in front of a panel in order to graduate! This discussion takes place in front of all the people you invited to your graduation, then the panel gives you your graduating grade (like a G.P.A., but not) in front of everyone, then everyone says congrats, they sing a few graduation song, and then proceed to make an ass out of the "laureato/a". Often they make them dress up in funny costumes and they throw flour all over them, make them chug wine or what not....basically they go through hazing at the end of their college careers.
Silvia graduated with the maximum grade possible... it was interesting to see her discussion with the panel, she studied foreign literature with a concentration in English and Russian. So she wrote her entire thesis in Russian and did part of her discussion in Russian, it was definitely interesting to watch.... So after the discussion, they hand you your diploma after they write the grade on it and you are officially graduated! So we didn't do anything embarrassing to her, because she really didn't want us to. So after the graduation we went to a bar called Bar Fiorentina and had finger foods and champagne and there was a HUGE punchbowl with "cocktail" in it, at least that is what they told us when we asked.
Here comes the best part of the Italian Laurea (graduation)... the family members stayed for about an hour... then headed out... ALL OF THEM... leaving Silvia and her friends at the bar with an open tab running!!!!!! So while the parents are leaving this tray with about 40 big glasses of beer comes... mind you there are about 20 of us and about 5 aren't drinking.... so we start drinking that... after about 20 minutes they come out with a tray full of really strong Spritz and another tray of beer, at this point a lot of people have left, so it is our usual group (around 8 of us) and we have a LOT of alcohol left, so we are really drinking at this point, I go outside to get some fresh air and realize it is still daylight and I am totally drunk... it wasn't even 5 yet! So I go back inside and we all think there isn't anymore drinks left... well then they bring around another huge punchbowl of "cocktail" and another tray of beer spritz... so we keep on drinkking... then someone says that since Silvia did her discussion in Russian she needs to have more Vodka in her cocktail... so they go to the bar and get a brand new bottle of Vodka and open it, and just stand there pouring it into the cocktail... THE ENTIRE BOTTLE... then they pour the last bit into a punchbowl spoon, the big ones and mkae Silvia drink... and she is drunk enough to actually do it. So right before we all leave we all have a shot of vodka and the bartender told us to throw the shot glasses over our shoulders when we were done for good luck, so you hear all this shattering (they were glass shot glasses) and we had full cups of beer as our chasers... we leave at 8 and decide to meet up again at 9, Adriano and Silvia are moving to England for a year and they had to say bye to his landlord... so for some reason Antonio, some guy Dennis and I end up going with Adriano and Silvia to his place... by 8:30 Silvia is puking, so we put her to bed and go out again... we keep drinking decide to go grab a pizza... we ended up eating 3 HUGE pizzas between 5 of us, and drinking a ton of beer...
I have no clue what time I got home, I have no clue about anything, all I know is that at 6am the next day my alarm was going off, so I got up, got dressed and went to work... still drunk... and felt like shit for the rest of the day!
Silvia graduated with the maximum grade possible... it was interesting to see her discussion with the panel, she studied foreign literature with a concentration in English and Russian. So she wrote her entire thesis in Russian and did part of her discussion in Russian, it was definitely interesting to watch.... So after the discussion, they hand you your diploma after they write the grade on it and you are officially graduated! So we didn't do anything embarrassing to her, because she really didn't want us to. So after the graduation we went to a bar called Bar Fiorentina and had finger foods and champagne and there was a HUGE punchbowl with "cocktail" in it, at least that is what they told us when we asked.
Here comes the best part of the Italian Laurea (graduation)... the family members stayed for about an hour... then headed out... ALL OF THEM... leaving Silvia and her friends at the bar with an open tab running!!!!!! So while the parents are leaving this tray with about 40 big glasses of beer comes... mind you there are about 20 of us and about 5 aren't drinking.... so we start drinking that... after about 20 minutes they come out with a tray full of really strong Spritz and another tray of beer, at this point a lot of people have left, so it is our usual group (around 8 of us) and we have a LOT of alcohol left, so we are really drinking at this point, I go outside to get some fresh air and realize it is still daylight and I am totally drunk... it wasn't even 5 yet! So I go back inside and we all think there isn't anymore drinks left... well then they bring around another huge punchbowl of "cocktail" and another tray of beer spritz... so we keep on drinkking... then someone says that since Silvia did her discussion in Russian she needs to have more Vodka in her cocktail... so they go to the bar and get a brand new bottle of Vodka and open it, and just stand there pouring it into the cocktail... THE ENTIRE BOTTLE... then they pour the last bit into a punchbowl spoon, the big ones and mkae Silvia drink... and she is drunk enough to actually do it. So right before we all leave we all have a shot of vodka and the bartender told us to throw the shot glasses over our shoulders when we were done for good luck, so you hear all this shattering (they were glass shot glasses) and we had full cups of beer as our chasers... we leave at 8 and decide to meet up again at 9, Adriano and Silvia are moving to England for a year and they had to say bye to his landlord... so for some reason Antonio, some guy Dennis and I end up going with Adriano and Silvia to his place... by 8:30 Silvia is puking, so we put her to bed and go out again... we keep drinking decide to go grab a pizza... we ended up eating 3 HUGE pizzas between 5 of us, and drinking a ton of beer...
I have no clue what time I got home, I have no clue about anything, all I know is that at 6am the next day my alarm was going off, so I got up, got dressed and went to work... still drunk... and felt like shit for the rest of the day!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Imma comin' home!!!
I did it! I bought my ticket... I paid a little more than I had thought I would originally, but that's ok... I got it. It's not exactly the flight I had hoped for, but hey, it'll get me where I need to go! It was hassle to find, because I really wanted to leave from Venice, but there no flights within my price range leaving from there or Milan... SOOOO, I have to leave from Rome, which sucks because that means I have to take a night train to Rome in order to make it to my morning flight, and it also means that I might be cranky from sleep depravation when I finally get into LAX, but whatever! I leave Rome at 11:15am and arrive at LAX at 7:13 pm, after an hour and a half layover in Washington D.C. Sandra, this means you don't have to pick me up during rush hour traffic after all!!! However, I still do want to get something on the way home, because I doubt the airline is going to serve us dinner, so I will be famished!
Then on the way back the flights suuuuuck! I have 2 layovers instead of just one.... I leave from LAX at 7:55am (sorry in advance to whoever is going to drop me off) and arrive at D.C. at 3:45pm, then I leave D.C. at 6pm and arrive in Vienna at 8:30am, and leave Vienna at 9:30 am ad arrive in Venice at 10:55am, and then it's a relatively short train ride home! Fortunately I won't have to deal with that flight until the end of August!
So, yes friends, I will be home for about 5 months more or less! I can't wait... I miss you all so much!
I am not really bringing a lot of stuff home with me... mainly because I need some new clothes, so I am only bringing some necessary things with me and will get the rest out there over the course of the 5 months, and I am only bringing one bag with me with the 2nd bag inside it, so that way I have one getting out there and 2 coming back. All this means that if there is anything you guys need me to bring you from Italy... let me know, since I should have the space for it! There are some stuff I am already planning on bringing home and I get a feeling I already know what Regina is going to want me to bring her.... and then I am bringing home some chocolate that you can't find in the U.S., but if there is anything you guys want let me know... as long as it doesn't cost tooo much! See you all in a little over a month!
Then on the way back the flights suuuuuck! I have 2 layovers instead of just one.... I leave from LAX at 7:55am (sorry in advance to whoever is going to drop me off) and arrive at D.C. at 3:45pm, then I leave D.C. at 6pm and arrive in Vienna at 8:30am, and leave Vienna at 9:30 am ad arrive in Venice at 10:55am, and then it's a relatively short train ride home! Fortunately I won't have to deal with that flight until the end of August!
So, yes friends, I will be home for about 5 months more or less! I can't wait... I miss you all so much!
I am not really bringing a lot of stuff home with me... mainly because I need some new clothes, so I am only bringing some necessary things with me and will get the rest out there over the course of the 5 months, and I am only bringing one bag with me with the 2nd bag inside it, so that way I have one getting out there and 2 coming back. All this means that if there is anything you guys need me to bring you from Italy... let me know, since I should have the space for it! There are some stuff I am already planning on bringing home and I get a feeling I already know what Regina is going to want me to bring her.... and then I am bringing home some chocolate that you can't find in the U.S., but if there is anything you guys want let me know... as long as it doesn't cost tooo much! See you all in a little over a month!
I fucking hate Orbitz and all other websites like that. Why do they list one price if it isn't the real price????? I was about to buy my flight, that was supposed to cost $861 taxes included... and this thing pops up that says the price for your flight has changed to $1,304!!!!!! Thats like $500!!!!!! and I tried different dates and NOTHING... ALL THE SAME!!!!!!
I'm too tired to deal with this bullshit! I am desperately hoping it's because they are having some techincal difficulties with their webpage... if not I am going to be forced to fly out of Milan or Rome... which would be a pain in the ass and super inconvenient!!!! And the only flights I am finding are through Germany and I can't fly through germany because of Visa issues.... and the only other flights I am finding are to fly through London and I know this may be stupid, but I just don't feel safe flying to the states out of London, I know tons of planes do it on a daily basis, but I sitll don't feel safe with it! UGH... I AM FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!!!!!!
leave it to air travel to fuck up the perfect evening!
I'm too tired to deal with this bullshit! I am desperately hoping it's because they are having some techincal difficulties with their webpage... if not I am going to be forced to fly out of Milan or Rome... which would be a pain in the ass and super inconvenient!!!! And the only flights I am finding are through Germany and I can't fly through germany because of Visa issues.... and the only other flights I am finding are to fly through London and I know this may be stupid, but I just don't feel safe flying to the states out of London, I know tons of planes do it on a daily basis, but I sitll don't feel safe with it! UGH... I AM FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!!!!!!
leave it to air travel to fuck up the perfect evening!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and.... the Holocaust???
The kids I teach english to have the book The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Now this book has pictures from the movie in it, I have never seen the movie but I recognize some of the pictures from the commercials. Well their Grandma was over at their house today and the little girl, Sara, asked her if she could read it to her. The Grandma, Nonna Lucia as I call her, did what I usually do she looks at the picture and made up her own story to go along with it.... so far this is seems completely normal... but you didn't hear the story I did. What follows is more or less the way she told the beginning of the story:
Picture: A bunch of kids crying and being loaded onto trains (for those of you who haven't seen the movie, like me, the kids are being sent away to a safe place because it takes place in wartime England)
Nonna Lucia: There was a war going on and all the kids were being shipped away, taken away from their families, their mom's and dad's and brother's and so on to go to labor camps. You know the kind where they used the children, young children like you to make war machines for the Germans. These children had to work all day long, got nothing to eat and had no one with them. See (points at the page) that is why they are crying. Wouldn't you cry too if they took you away from you mom, dad and Edoardo (her little brother)...
Sara is just staring at her. I don't think her 5 year old mind could process everything that it was being told.
Nonna Lucia: So they get on the train, because they are forced to, and it's not a comfortable train like we use now, it was a train where you had to stand up all the way and if you had to pee you were forced to pee in your pants, see how lucky you are to have a bathroom... Anyway, they were all on the train to go to their labor camp and work all day and after they finished all their work a lot of them were killed, but no one really knows how many children died because there were no records kept of them
At one point she gets to a picture of a wardrobe and a little girl is looking at it
Nonna Lucia: See this little girl, not much bigger than you just finished building this wardrobe and she is checking it to make sure that there are no mistakes on it, because if there were they Germans would get mad and she would be in A LOT of trouble!
At this point she turns the page and is no longer able to make up her own story so she started reading the normal story, but it was hilarious, at one point I had to get up from my chair and go into the bathroom to keep from laughing out loud! It was so funny. I mean who does that to a 5 year old!!!! It was too funny. I just told Antonio this story and I laughed so hard I started doing my wheezy laugh and crying from the laughter.
On a different note a today a friend of mine said "Cyn, I want your life" to which I responded " If I weren't me... I would want my life too". It's so true though... I'm not trying to be all ' My life is great, everyone should worship me', but I do have to admit that my life is pretty good, and even when some things aren't too great it's ok because I live in Italy. Basically, even when it is bad it can't be that bad! I do love my life though! I am happy!
Picture: A bunch of kids crying and being loaded onto trains (for those of you who haven't seen the movie, like me, the kids are being sent away to a safe place because it takes place in wartime England)
Nonna Lucia: There was a war going on and all the kids were being shipped away, taken away from their families, their mom's and dad's and brother's and so on to go to labor camps. You know the kind where they used the children, young children like you to make war machines for the Germans. These children had to work all day long, got nothing to eat and had no one with them. See (points at the page) that is why they are crying. Wouldn't you cry too if they took you away from you mom, dad and Edoardo (her little brother)...
Sara is just staring at her. I don't think her 5 year old mind could process everything that it was being told.
Nonna Lucia: So they get on the train, because they are forced to, and it's not a comfortable train like we use now, it was a train where you had to stand up all the way and if you had to pee you were forced to pee in your pants, see how lucky you are to have a bathroom... Anyway, they were all on the train to go to their labor camp and work all day and after they finished all their work a lot of them were killed, but no one really knows how many children died because there were no records kept of them
At one point she gets to a picture of a wardrobe and a little girl is looking at it
Nonna Lucia: See this little girl, not much bigger than you just finished building this wardrobe and she is checking it to make sure that there are no mistakes on it, because if there were they Germans would get mad and she would be in A LOT of trouble!
At this point she turns the page and is no longer able to make up her own story so she started reading the normal story, but it was hilarious, at one point I had to get up from my chair and go into the bathroom to keep from laughing out loud! It was so funny. I mean who does that to a 5 year old!!!! It was too funny. I just told Antonio this story and I laughed so hard I started doing my wheezy laugh and crying from the laughter.
On a different note a today a friend of mine said "Cyn, I want your life" to which I responded " If I weren't me... I would want my life too". It's so true though... I'm not trying to be all ' My life is great, everyone should worship me', but I do have to admit that my life is pretty good, and even when some things aren't too great it's ok because I live in Italy. Basically, even when it is bad it can't be that bad! I do love my life though! I am happy!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Lake Picture
Warning: The pictures take a few minutes to load... but they are worth it!
The Carnevale in Venice is very famous, especially around europe. So yesterday Antonio and I took the day off and went to Venice with our friends Adriano and Silvia, since it was Martedi Grasso, i.e. Mardi Gras! It was the last day of carnival and it was sooo much fun! Some man got in the way of our group picture, so I had to crop him out, but you can still see his nose.

We walked around all of venice and saw so many different kinds of costumes... some people were dressed up regular kind of costumes you might see on Halloween in the U.S., but there were some that were dressed up in the traditional Venetian Carnevale way...
When we were on the train out there we saw all this military men, which was kind of cool since I had never seen so many of them together before, so I had Antonio pose near them... since he did the military thing before starting University. Venice was soooo crowded, but it was worth it, just a little hard to navigate!
There were people everywhere, it took forever to navigate around the town. When it was finally time for lunch we started looking around for stuff to eat, but since there were so many tourists around all the restaurants had raised their prices big time. So int he end we ended up going to McDonalds, even though the line there was super long, but we were too tired to keep on looking. After we ate we walked around and took some pictures and found a bar for some coffee (for Antonio and Silvia) and some Gelato (for Adriano and me)... Here are some pictures:
There is this bar in Venice that is a lot of fun. It is a jazz bar and they have bras left by some of their female clientele hanging all over the cieling. I have been there a few times, but Adriano, Silvia and Antonio hadn't... so we decided to go for happy hour. There was a sign that said "buy 1 get 2" so we had decided to each get a drink and we would only pay for 2, well we were very wrong.... we each ordered our drinks and they brought two for each.... so we ended up with eight drinks total.... so we drank and laughed and had a ton of fun... then we did some shopping and eventually caught the train home.... too much fun!
Hope you had a fun time with all these pictures!
The Carnevale in Venice is very famous, especially around europe. So yesterday Antonio and I took the day off and went to Venice with our friends Adriano and Silvia, since it was Martedi Grasso, i.e. Mardi Gras! It was the last day of carnival and it was sooo much fun! Some man got in the way of our group picture, so I had to crop him out, but you can still see his nose.
We walked around all of venice and saw so many different kinds of costumes... some people were dressed up regular kind of costumes you might see on Halloween in the U.S., but there were some that were dressed up in the traditional Venetian Carnevale way...
When we were on the train out there we saw all this military men, which was kind of cool since I had never seen so many of them together before, so I had Antonio pose near them... since he did the military thing before starting University. Venice was soooo crowded, but it was worth it, just a little hard to navigate!
There were people everywhere, it took forever to navigate around the town. When it was finally time for lunch we started looking around for stuff to eat, but since there were so many tourists around all the restaurants had raised their prices big time. So int he end we ended up going to McDonalds, even though the line there was super long, but we were too tired to keep on looking. After we ate we walked around and took some pictures and found a bar for some coffee (for Antonio and Silvia) and some Gelato (for Adriano and me)... Here are some pictures:
There is this bar in Venice that is a lot of fun. It is a jazz bar and they have bras left by some of their female clientele hanging all over the cieling. I have been there a few times, but Adriano, Silvia and Antonio hadn't... so we decided to go for happy hour. There was a sign that said "buy 1 get 2" so we had decided to each get a drink and we would only pay for 2, well we were very wrong.... we each ordered our drinks and they brought two for each.... so we ended up with eight drinks total.... so we drank and laughed and had a ton of fun... then we did some shopping and eventually caught the train home.... too much fun!
Hope you had a fun time with all these pictures!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Last night, right before going to bed, Antonio and I were laying in bed talking... you know just about random things on our minds. I was reaching over to turn off the light when I hear him singing along to himself and I hear him say "Roxette, you don't hae to put on the red light" now I wasn't sure if I had heard correctly or not, so I turned and asked him what he had just said, so this time he sings it loudly... and I looked at him and started laughing. He asks why I am laughing and realize that he wasn't joking, he really thinks the lyrics to the song say RoxETTE. So i say " It's not Roxette, it's RoxANNE" he doesn't believe me, he keeps telling me I'm wrong and that it's Roxette... so I tell him that he's wrong... it's my culture, my language.. and it's Roxanne! He refuses to believe me... so I get out of bed and go to the deks to get my laptop, I turn it on and look for the song, I finally find it and show him and I play it... and he goes... well I had never seen the title written before and it's not like I listen to the song all the time. So now I am laughing so hard and I tell him they say the freaking name like 50 times throughout the song and you never noticed! According to him it sounds like Roxette... well now he knows! It was pretty funny.
I have to admit it's happened to me too, it has probably happened to everyone... growing up I thought the song "Hey Jealousy" by the Gin Blossoms said Hey Justine... but eventually I learned my lesson.. I'm sure if I really think about it I can think of more mistakes like that... I'm sure everyone can!
Either way, it was really funny. I hadnt laughed that hard in a long time... and now he knows! Man, I love my boyfriend.... he's the best!
I have to admit it's happened to me too, it has probably happened to everyone... growing up I thought the song "Hey Jealousy" by the Gin Blossoms said Hey Justine... but eventually I learned my lesson.. I'm sure if I really think about it I can think of more mistakes like that... I'm sure everyone can!
Either way, it was really funny. I hadnt laughed that hard in a long time... and now he knows! Man, I love my boyfriend.... he's the best!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
She'll be coming 'round the mountain!
My friends Danilo and Noemie invited me to go for a walk around this one mountain and for lunch a a nearby lake. I had never been there so I said sure. We started going for this walk... well boy oh boy was I in for a surprise... our walk was very, VERY steep! apparently our "walk" was more of a hike... so we're going and my calves are hurting... I had not prepared myself psychologically for a hike, so I'm dealing with it, when I see this sign that says Lago 2.10, so I think it means 2 Kilometers.... then after about half an hour I see another sign that says 1.45, and I turn to Danilo and ask if that means kilometers... and he laughs and says no.... so I suddenly have this horrible suspicion that it is measuring the TIME to get to the lake and not the DISTANCE, I ask him about this and he says that I am correct!!!!!!!! The first 40 minutes was up a steep slope, after that it was farily flat with some slight uphill slopes... then the last 20 minutes was a steep slope again... if I had known this, I would have prepared myself for it! We go to the lake, rested/ate lunch for about 45 minutes, then started our 1 1/2 hour walk back to the car (Always takes longer to get somewhere than it does to get back) .... isn't that crazy!!!!!!!
I AM SOOOOO SORE!!!!! My legs and ass hurt like crazy and my arms are starting to hurt too!!!
On the plus side though the lake was half frozen over.... I had never seen something like that before.... one half was normal water and then somewhere down the lake you notice the water change and it becomes ice.... very cool!
I AM SOOOOO SORE!!!!! My legs and ass hurt like crazy and my arms are starting to hurt too!!!
On the plus side though the lake was half frozen over.... I had never seen something like that before.... one half was normal water and then somewhere down the lake you notice the water change and it becomes ice.... very cool!
Prada and Gucci and Armani, oh my!
The lady I work for is pretty rich... not like millionaire, but rich nonetheless. Like as in her luggage is Louis Vuitton, and she has Roberto Cavalli and Gucci reading glasses and all her sunglasses are Gucci. She lives in the land of designer... which is filled with Prada coats and pants, Dolce and Gabbana tops, Versace dresses and Gucci boots.... she's one of those kind of women you see walk into the Dolce and Gabbana store in town and sees a shirt she likes and buys it without checking the price tag. Her daughter wears Armani pants and gets everything she possibly wants.
While at the beginning I was slightly jealous, that feeling has worn off. Slowly I realized these people have no idea of what money really is. I always hear her complaining about how things are so expensive now a days and it's like... not all things are that expensive... One day I just realized that I never heard her talking about giving to charity or helping other people out.. in her world it is all about ME, ME, ME... so how can she be surprised when her kids are the same way... crying when they don't get their way and saying stuff like, "That means you didn't buy me ANYTHING today!!!!"
I have come to the conclusion that money seriously fucks with your head. I know quite a few very rich people in Trento and they all seem to have these same "problems".... people seriously need to get out of their own bubble and realize there is so much good they could do with those resources... but that's a much more difficult concept than consumerism is!
A side note... She asked me to run an errand for her (so not my job, by the way) and it was sunny outside and I had forgotten my sunglasses at home. I asked her if I could borrow a pair of sunglasses... she went to her sunglasses drawer (no joke, there is well over 1,000 euro worth of sunglasses in there) and she pulls out a pair and hands them to me... and then she goes... " These were my summer glasses last year, you can keep them if you like them, I get new one's every summer." I look down and realized she had handed me a pair of white Gucci glasses.... I couldn't believe it... they're really nice glasses.... she just GAVE me a 250-300 euro pair of glasses!!!!
I like the fine things in life and I have nothing against buying designer things... i too would like a Louis Vuitton tote one day, but not if it is going to take over my world and become my main concern!!!! It's ok to have money, but not if you can't look beyond yourself and your world to realize that there are things bigger than YOU and YOUR problems out there!
While at the beginning I was slightly jealous, that feeling has worn off. Slowly I realized these people have no idea of what money really is. I always hear her complaining about how things are so expensive now a days and it's like... not all things are that expensive... One day I just realized that I never heard her talking about giving to charity or helping other people out.. in her world it is all about ME, ME, ME... so how can she be surprised when her kids are the same way... crying when they don't get their way and saying stuff like, "That means you didn't buy me ANYTHING today!!!!"
I have come to the conclusion that money seriously fucks with your head. I know quite a few very rich people in Trento and they all seem to have these same "problems".... people seriously need to get out of their own bubble and realize there is so much good they could do with those resources... but that's a much more difficult concept than consumerism is!
A side note... She asked me to run an errand for her (so not my job, by the way) and it was sunny outside and I had forgotten my sunglasses at home. I asked her if I could borrow a pair of sunglasses... she went to her sunglasses drawer (no joke, there is well over 1,000 euro worth of sunglasses in there) and she pulls out a pair and hands them to me... and then she goes... " These were my summer glasses last year, you can keep them if you like them, I get new one's every summer." I look down and realized she had handed me a pair of white Gucci glasses.... I couldn't believe it... they're really nice glasses.... she just GAVE me a 250-300 euro pair of glasses!!!!
I like the fine things in life and I have nothing against buying designer things... i too would like a Louis Vuitton tote one day, but not if it is going to take over my world and become my main concern!!!! It's ok to have money, but not if you can't look beyond yourself and your world to realize that there are things bigger than YOU and YOUR problems out there!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
The Baci that I recieved from Antonio have little saying in them... kind of like fortune cookies... except these come translated into Italian, English, Spanish, Portugese, French and sometime Greek too... they are really cute. Here is a picture:

Well i am slightly neurotic and like to open all the baci up and take out the little saying and then close them back up so I can save the actual chocolate for later, I just like to see what the saying is.... Here are a few examples of what they are:
Nei sogni, come in amore, non ci sono cose impossibile
Translation: In dreams, as in love, all is possible
E' l'amore ad indicarvi il cammino
Translation: Love directs your course
L'amore sa sperare quando la ragione gia' dispera
Translation: Love can hope where reason would despair
(this one kind of annoys me)
L'uomo gode della felicita' che prova, la donna di qualle che da'
Translation: A man enjoys the happiness he feels, a woman the happiness she gives
Un bacio proibito brucia piu' del fuoco
Translation: A forbidden kiss burns hotter than fire
I love those little sayings... they make my day!!!!
P.s. for those of you who don't know.... Bacio means kiss!!!! and Baci is plural... therefore Kisses!!!!!!
Well i am slightly neurotic and like to open all the baci up and take out the little saying and then close them back up so I can save the actual chocolate for later, I just like to see what the saying is.... Here are a few examples of what they are:
Nei sogni, come in amore, non ci sono cose impossibile
Translation: In dreams, as in love, all is possible
E' l'amore ad indicarvi il cammino
Translation: Love directs your course
L'amore sa sperare quando la ragione gia' dispera
Translation: Love can hope where reason would despair
(this one kind of annoys me)
L'uomo gode della felicita' che prova, la donna di qualle che da'
Translation: A man enjoys the happiness he feels, a woman the happiness she gives
Un bacio proibito brucia piu' del fuoco
Translation: A forbidden kiss burns hotter than fire
I love those little sayings... they make my day!!!!
P.s. for those of you who don't know.... Bacio means kiss!!!! and Baci is plural... therefore Kisses!!!!!!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
I'm (not exactly loving, but definitely liking) it!
Let me preface what I am about to write by saying this: People do funny things when they are in a foreign country and have very limited options.
I ate at McDonalds and it was pretty good!
I am not a big McDonalds fan. In fact up until recently I used to call it McNasty, but things have changed. Last night Antonio and I decided to take a dinner trip to our local McDonalds. While Italy doesn't do a lot of fast food, just about every town has at least one McDonalds. The one in Trento is on the outskirts of the city, so you have to take a 15minute bus ride or be willing to commit to the 1.5-2 hour walk to get there from the city center. Well we get there and both order Big N' Tasty's... and boy oh boy were they.. that hamburger was soooo good. I feel slightly ashamed to admit that, not that I am against fast food every once in a while, but in the U.S. you have so many options that I don't even consider McDonalds. When you are in a foreign country and McDonalds is your only option for a decent hamburger, you go for it! I hadn't been craving a humburger, until Antonio mentioned it, then I realized it had been months since I had eaten one, so of course that was all I could think about all day..
As much as I don't like McDonalds, I have realized that it's not that I don't like McDonalds, it's that I don't like McDonalds in the U.S. The quality in Europe is a lot better, the meat is fresh and the food just tastes better, and it reminds me of home. It's really sad that McDonalds is one of the few things that really makes me feel like I'm back home, but it does... it's a nice break from reality, and while I have had my fill for now, I am sure that in a few months I'll have that craving again. I don't know if I crave the food or the atmosphere, but like the title says, I'm (not exactly loving, but definitely liking) it!
I ate at McDonalds and it was pretty good!
I am not a big McDonalds fan. In fact up until recently I used to call it McNasty, but things have changed. Last night Antonio and I decided to take a dinner trip to our local McDonalds. While Italy doesn't do a lot of fast food, just about every town has at least one McDonalds. The one in Trento is on the outskirts of the city, so you have to take a 15minute bus ride or be willing to commit to the 1.5-2 hour walk to get there from the city center. Well we get there and both order Big N' Tasty's... and boy oh boy were they.. that hamburger was soooo good. I feel slightly ashamed to admit that, not that I am against fast food every once in a while, but in the U.S. you have so many options that I don't even consider McDonalds. When you are in a foreign country and McDonalds is your only option for a decent hamburger, you go for it! I hadn't been craving a humburger, until Antonio mentioned it, then I realized it had been months since I had eaten one, so of course that was all I could think about all day..
As much as I don't like McDonalds, I have realized that it's not that I don't like McDonalds, it's that I don't like McDonalds in the U.S. The quality in Europe is a lot better, the meat is fresh and the food just tastes better, and it reminds me of home. It's really sad that McDonalds is one of the few things that really makes me feel like I'm back home, but it does... it's a nice break from reality, and while I have had my fill for now, I am sure that in a few months I'll have that craving again. I don't know if I crave the food or the atmosphere, but like the title says, I'm (not exactly loving, but definitely liking) it!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!
Antonio decided to have a birthday dinner for me and invite some of our close friends. Since most of my friends are students and taking exam in this period we decided to have it the weekend after my birthday, instead of the weekend before... more people were done with exams by this weekend. So, on Saturday we had my birthday dinner... Antonio and I made Lasagna, pie and cake... everything was delicious!!! YAY for us! It was such a nice evening... lots of wine, lots of laughing and talking and eating... plus it was with some of my closest friends here, which was nice. Here is our group:

(Clockwise from bottom left: Adriano, Michele, Nancy, Katie, Antonio, Noemie, Danilo and Silvia)
Antonio's parents sent us a box full of oranges from Sicily and we keep it out on the balcony, well our friend Adriano went out there to smoke and after a few minutes he knocks on the balcony door and walks in like this:

Everyone was laughing so hard when we saw him... gotta love that guy!
Here's a picture of Nancy (Antonio's sister), Katie (My American friend), Me and Antonio:

And finaly last but not least, a few pictures of my gifts :)

The breakfast tray/bowl things was from Noemie and Danilo and the book was from Silvia and Adriano...I also got quite a few pairs of earrings, some make-up stuff and last but not least... Antonio's gift to me... my new cell phone :)

Here I put it next to a butter knife, just to show how thin it is... it's really lightweight too

So yeah, that was my birthday... I had a great time! Good company, good food and a good time overall... what more could you want?
(Clockwise from bottom left: Adriano, Michele, Nancy, Katie, Antonio, Noemie, Danilo and Silvia)
Antonio's parents sent us a box full of oranges from Sicily and we keep it out on the balcony, well our friend Adriano went out there to smoke and after a few minutes he knocks on the balcony door and walks in like this:
Everyone was laughing so hard when we saw him... gotta love that guy!
Here's a picture of Nancy (Antonio's sister), Katie (My American friend), Me and Antonio:
And finaly last but not least, a few pictures of my gifts :)
The breakfast tray/bowl things was from Noemie and Danilo and the book was from Silvia and Adriano...I also got quite a few pairs of earrings, some make-up stuff and last but not least... Antonio's gift to me... my new cell phone :)
Here I put it next to a butter knife, just to show how thin it is... it's really lightweight too
So yeah, that was my birthday... I had a great time! Good company, good food and a good time overall... what more could you want?
Sunday, January 21, 2007
In Italy there are huge sales the entire month of January. Well I went out to go "Faux shopping" with the intention of only looking, instead I fell in love with a pair of shoes and bought them... but they are nice and fairly unique... here are a few pictures

Here is another view:

Aren't they cute, I paid quite a bit of money for them, but would have paid a lot more if they weren't on sale!!! the thing I love the most is that the leopard print isn't just fabric, it's real hair, probably faux leopard hair, at least I hope so!
Here are a few pictures of the boots Antonio bought me for Christmas:

This is the view from the other side:

I love the color of the boots, and the fact that they are so comfy! You can't see it too well in the picturs, but the heel and the front part have very intricate designs on a little strip of leather, it's really nice!
Here is another view:
Aren't they cute, I paid quite a bit of money for them, but would have paid a lot more if they weren't on sale!!! the thing I love the most is that the leopard print isn't just fabric, it's real hair, probably faux leopard hair, at least I hope so!
Here are a few pictures of the boots Antonio bought me for Christmas:
This is the view from the other side:
I love the color of the boots, and the fact that they are so comfy! You can't see it too well in the picturs, but the heel and the front part have very intricate designs on a little strip of leather, it's really nice!
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Ok, so I already have a blogger account, but sometimes I write some very private things on it, and therefore only a handful of people have that address. Often though, I write stuff that I wouldn't mind the general public seeing, and plus I would like to be able to comment on friends blogs... so I'll be copying some stuff from Blog 1 to Blog 2 (this one)
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