That whenever God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window. Actually, that's from The Sound of Music, what she used to tell me was in Spanish and went something along the lines of "God tightens, but doesn't make you choke." It's basically the same thing, the gist is the same in both! I'm starting to think that it just might be true. I worked my ass off this past month and made a ton of extra money, but I have a had a lot of unexpected big expenses this month, which I wouldn't have been able to pay had I not had money saved up from last month. According to my mom, God put that extra work in my way last month so I would be able to pay the extra hundreds of euros I am having to shell out this month.... so if it is the working of God... thanks, i appreciate it. I just figure I have to say thanks when it is due!
You know what else I would appreciate, if things would stop breaking in our apartment! That would be really cool! About a week and a half ago the light bulb in the living room went out, and i had to wait for Antonio to change it, because I wasn't tall enough to do it. Then, I came home about a week ago and turned on the kitchen light and there was this spark and the light went off, and once again I had to wait for Antonio to change it because of the height thing again!
Then on Friday we turned on the TV, and the channels don't work. I don't think it's the tv, because when I watch a DVD, it works just fine, it's just the channels that are all fuzzy. I don't mind not having the TV, since I prefer music, and it gives me more time to study. Antonio, however, really misses the TV, he is all out of the loop with what is going on soccer-wise. We have been finding other ways to pass the time, such as having speed matches (he's getting better, someday he may even beat me!), and reading books, and talking for hours on end and whatnot.
Then because enough things haven't broken, Antonio turned on the light on the exhaust fan above the stove and one of the lights went out... thank goodness we have a lot of spare lightbulbs. I hope nothing else breaks, that would really suck!
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