I found some Baci sayings from valentines day and thought I would post them because they are cute:
"Prima d'amare, io non ho mai vissuto pienamente
Translation: "Til I loved, I did not live enough"
"Una notte d'amore magica inizia e finisce con un bacio"
Translation: A magical night of blis begins and ends with a kiss"
"Le belle azioni nascoste sono le piu' stimabili"
Translation: "The most praiseworthy deeds are those that remain hidden"
"Non si trovera' una sola donna della cui bellezza o bruttezza tutti gli uomini convengano"
Translation: "The woman does not exist of whose beauty all men shall agree upon"
and my personal favorite of the bunch:
"Invecchia insieme a me, il meglio deve ancora venire"
Translation: "Grow old with me, the best is yet to be"