Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The way to my heart

So I think Antonio has finally figured it out. We were supposed to meet friends for a drink and dinner yesterday evening, and they texted saying they would be half an hour late, so I asked Antonio if we could go to the nearby bookstore. We went in and I, of course, went straight to the English language section. So I am looking at all these books I want to buy, when I come across this book called 'An Italian in Italy' by Beppe Severgnini, a really good, comical Italian writer. I have his book 'An Italian in America', (thanks for Adriano and Silvia who gave it to me for my brithday) where he writes about his year he lived in the U.S. and the big cultural differences between him and us, and it was really funny. This book is basically his view on Italian habits and ways of life after coming back from living abroad for a while. I really wanted it, but didn't want to spend money buying it, because well, I am once again a poor college student! Now, anyone who knows Antonio knows that reading is not something he likes to do for fun! However, when he saw how sad I was when I put the book back in it's place he picked it up and carried it around the store with us. When I asked him why he still had the book with him he said he would buy it for me, it was soooo completely unexpected and it made me so happy! As I told him, for some women flowers are the keys to their hearts, for other it's chocolate, or jewelery, or homecooked meals, and while I think all of those things are great, he finally figured out the way to mine.... Books!

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