Monday, September 27, 2010

Places of interest

The other day I was going through a box of old documents and stuff like that and I found some very interesting stuff... most of which I'll write about later, mainly because I am tired and want to go to bed. However, I will very briefly write about this...I found a small 3X5 note card on which I wrote down different cities I would like to visit around Europe. I think I wrote this years ago when I was about to study abroad, it's interesting to see how many of these places i have visited and how many I have yet to's the list:





                                                    Berlin (currently planning a trip out there)

The Netherlands

The Amalfi Coast
Cinque Terre
Verona *

It's funny to see how many places I still need to visit and how many places I have visited that are nowhere on this list, but that have been amazing experiences!!!

*-Have been multiple times!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Viggo Mortensen

This post comes purely from the fact that I am sitting here watching Lord Of The Rings with my roommate.

Viggo Mortensen has to be one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen! I don't care that he is 51 years old, I would do very bad things with/to this man ;)

Things I have done in my lifetime

I found this little thing online and found it very entertaining/ got me thinking about my bucket list, a list of things I want to accomplish/experience/say I have done before I die.... I found my old bucket list a couple of weeks ago and have to say that I have already done some of the stuff on it, but there is still a lot more to do... I added some more stuff, since things like that aren't static, as we grow we wish to experience more and diverse things. I'll type up my own bucket list eventually, but not now...for now you will have to be satisfied with this little thing here.

Things you have done during your lifetime: 

(X ) Gone on a blind date 
(X ) Skipped school -  Quite a few times
( ) Watched someone die 
( ) Been to Canada 
(X ) Been to Mexico 
( ) Been to Florida 
( ) Been to Hawaii 
(X ) Been on a plane- I hate flying but I love traveling, whatcha gonna do? 
( ) Been on a helicopter 
(X ) Been lost 
( ) Gone to Washington, DC 
(X ) Swam in the ocean 
(X ) Cried yourself to sleep 
(X ) Played cops and robbers 
(X ) Recently colored with crayons 
(X ) Sang Karaoke 
(X ) Paid for a meal with coins only 
( ) Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch 
(X ) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't. 
(X ) Made prank phone calls. 
( ) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans 
(X ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose 
(X ) Laughed so hard you peed your pants 
(X ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue 
(X ) Danced in the rain - I just did this last night while singing 'Singing in the Rain' with my roommate and dancing around town :)
(X ) Written a letter to Santa Claus 
(X ) Been kissed under the mistletoe 
(X ) Watched the sunrise with someone 
(X ) Blown bubbles 
(X ) Gone ice-skating 
(X ) Gone to the movies 
( ) Been deep sea fishing 
( ) Driven across the United States 
( ) Been in a hot air balloon 
( ) Been sky diving 
( ) Gone snowmobiling 
(X ) Lived in more than one country 
(X ) Lay down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets 
(X ) Seen a falling star and made a wish 
( ) Enjoyed the beauty of Old Faithful Geyser 
(X ) Seen the Statue of Liberty 
( ) Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle 
( ) Been on a cruise 
(X ) Traveled by train 
( ) Traveled by motorcycle 
( ) Been horse back riding 
(X ) Ridden on a San Francisco CABLE CAR 
(X ) Been to Disneyland OR Disney World 
(X ) Truly believe in the power of prayer 
( ) Been in a rain forest 
(X ) Seen whales in the ocean 
( ) Been to Niagara Falls 
( ) Ridden on an elephant 
( ) Swam with dolphins 
( ) Swam with whales 
(X ) Swam with sharks- I didn't do this on purpose, a huge one just happened to be swimming right below me in the Red Sea, without a doubt one of the scariest moments of my life
( ) Been to the Olympics 
( ) Walked on the Great Wall of China 
( ) Saw and heard a glacier calf 
( ) Been spinnaker flying - What is this?
( ) Been SCUBA Diving 
( ) Been water-skiing 
( ) Been snow-skiing 
(X ) Been to Westminster Abbey 
(X ) Been to the Louvre 
(X ) Been to the Vatican 
(X ) Been to Yosemite Valley 
(X ) Swam in the Mediterranean 
(X ) Been to a Major League Baseball game 
( ) Been to a National Football League game 
( ) Seen the Northern Lights - This is on my own personal bucket list

Friday, September 24, 2010


I got quite a laugh out of this. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

With friends like these, who needs a boyfriend?

 ‎"fossi un ragazzo ti sposerei ma intanto accontentiamoci di essere amiche e viaggiamo!" 

Translation: "If I were a guy, I would marry you but for now let's be happy we're friends and travel"

My friend, Mina randomly told me this today... it made my day... seriously though, with friends like this who needs a boyfriend? 

Little somethings

I would love to get my nails done like this

I thought this was really funny

How awesome are these window seats (yes, I know technically one is a bed...I would use it as my reading nook!).  My dream house will one day have one of these!

and a little something for the fat ass kid in all of us :)

Visual Diary of my last meal

(In case you are wondering...yes, I really enjoy these visual diary posts and yes, there will be more to come!)

I only had about 30 minutes to prepare lunch, eat, tidy up and go...oh yeah, and I had nothing to make an actual meal with, so I threw together some stuff I found in the fridge, cooked it all in a pan and boy, oh boy, was it good!




Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Visual Diary of My Last Two Meals!




(sliced and mixed)




Random Ramblings

*I have been so moody these past two days and I have no idea why. I am not a generally moody person. Usually if I am in a bad mood or pissy something has happened to make me that way, but I was just in a BAD mood yesterday and it took a lot of self control not to snap at people because, well, they didn't do anything and it's not their fault I was in a bad mood. Then today it happened again... let's just hope it's pms!

* I ran into the ex this past week. It was pleasantly surprising! I needed some body wash and I guess also needed some because we ran into each other in the body wash isle. We ended up chatting and laughing (real laughter, not forced) for about 20 minutes. It was nice and it made me happy to see that he is doing well. Afterwards I got to thinking how far I had come. It's almost a year to the day that we broke up (the first time) and at the time I didn't know how I would move on from was a rough time (so rough the song in the video below would be enough to send me into a mini-anxiety/panic attack) but look at me now! I am happy and I am definitely going forward with my life!

* I actually drove today and I might be driving again tomorrow! It has been years since I even sat in the drivers seat of a car, let alone maneuver one. It was a lot of fun and I was really scared at first (in part because I was driving a convertible sporty Mercedes and really didn't want to do anything to it) but it went really well!!! 

* This video makes me happy, watch it and maybe it will make you happy, too! :)

* Just a few things I found on the interwebs that I found interesting/pretty/funny:

So Sweet!

I saw this link on a blog I read and I checked it out. So incredibly adorable.

Goodbye Summer!

This past week the weather changed. It went from nice, sunny and warm to cool and rainy... you could almost feel the seasons start to change.. Today was warm-ish and the weather is supposed to be warm enough in the next days, but this past week was a foreshadowing of what is to come in the next few months. Even though it is warm outside there is still a chill in the air that wasn't there a few weeks ago. So, yes, my friends, autumn is upon us. I have to admit that I am not all that sad to bid summer adieu. I will say this much, though... it was a good summer :)

I got to go backstage and dance on stage with Skin (she was so nice) and with certain people from The Black Eyed Peas (even ended up back at their hotel along with a friend)

Spent quite a bit of time bagging some rays with my roommate

Attended my first Palio dell'Oca after many years of living in Trento

Hung out with friends

Went to Ireland, drank a lot of Guinness, stayed in a castle and met some amazing people


Playing hide and seek in complete darkness at a friends house at 2am 
(my friends house just happens to be a castle)

(If you look closely at these you might recognize a few places from The Sound of Music!!!)

(like this one...)

(...and this one...)

(...and this one...)

(...and this one...)

(...and this one...)

and well, let's be honest, there were a few drunken nights!