Friday, October 8, 2010

The Toad

Another little gem I found in my box of old stuff... a list that Kate and I compiled cleverly entitled, "Reasons to not like 'The Toad'".   In order to understand this you will need the back-story.

Sophomore (did you guys know it was SophOmore and not just sophmore? I kinda feel like an idiot right now... I digress) year I started dating this guy, we'll call him Tim*. I think we met in a class or something like that...we started "studying" together, even though we got very little studying done, and voila...we were dating!
 He was a nice enough, funny, kind of awkward but not awkward enough to be too weird and whatnot. Things seemed to be going well, we would go out to the movies, out for walks, go to parties together or just hang out at my place.
 He was definitely a gentleman...he would open doors for me, he never pressured me to do anything I didn't feel like doing and if I said I wasn't ready/didn't feel like doing something, he respected that....and not in an 'I respect that, but I'm really bummed out kind of way'...he truly respected my decisions and feelings and if it did bum him out he never let it show. 
Basically he was an upstanding guy. 
I don't remember what happened but eventually things cooled down, we never broke up because technically he was never my boyfriend, we just stopped talking and hanging out as much and eventually it died down completely.
 Then one day, months later, don't ask me under what circumstances because I truly don't remember, we met up again...
we didn't start dating again, we weren't testing the waters... was purely physical!
Kate and I sat down one day and were trying to figure out if I should like him or not, if I should pursue something serious with him or just leave things the way they were...
the result being the list mentioned above.

Here are a few gems extracted from the list:

"1) Hairy
2) Vertically Challenged (i.e. not very tall)
5) Weird nose
7) Devil tongue - Not the best maker outer; swift jabbing motions (hence the nickname, The Toad)
8) Not too cute hands
15) Bad influence on Cindy's educational career
16) Cindy is too cute for him"

There was, however, a part of the list entitled "Good things":

"1) Nice guy, very gentlemanly
2) Makes Cindy laugh like Kateska does, only he's a boy
3) Had a bris
4) Brings a smile to Cindy's face
5) Makes Cindy feel special"

And that was it...
As you can tell the reasons not to like him far outnumbered the 'good things'...
Needless to say, things didn't quite work out with him! 

*Name has been changed...especially since I am still friends with him!

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