This picture had the phrase "I can't keep drowning for you" as its caption. This image provoked an incredible emotional response from me and helped/shoved me into making one of the most difficult decisions of my life!

I adore this! "You get what you give, so give good." Despite the incorrect grammar this has become one of my life motto's, therefore at the moment I have two. Make sure what you are putting out there is good. Make sure you are giving good because that is what humanity deserves from you. Can you imagine how life would be if we all lived by this motto?

I just read this recently and I have found myself coming back to it often. I guess more often than not we try to see how we benefit from any given situation, "How is this going to affect me?", "What am I going to get out of it?", "Where do I come in?" Sometimes it is hard to realize that it is not all about us. Sometimes it is about what we can do for someone else, how we can help. Sometimes our sole purpose in someones life is to help that other person re-discover their self worth, help them realize their potential, help them realize how much they truly deserve.I find this so refreshing, I find myself so engrossed in my own problems, in my own life sometimes. It is so nice to have a reminder that sometimes it not about me, it's not supposed to be about me! I have had people in my life who have done just this for me, certain people who unknowingly are currently doing this for me, who are giving me faith, who are giving me hope. It doesn't necessarily have to be about love, but someone who restores your faith in humanity, who restores your will to believe, who reminds you of who you are, a person who makes you see your true qualities. A person who restores your hope or allows you to have hope for the first time in a long time, if ever... If you have hope, if you manage to find hope....well, that's just about one of the greatest gifts we can have in this life!
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