Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Book Lover!


I love to read you guys.
Like, really love to read.
Growing up my mom would clean out all my books so she could make space for new ones and every year she would end up with bags (yes, plural) of books to give to the library.


I tend to get so engrossed in the books I am reading.
I love the power they have.
I am the girl who forgets she is in public and will laugh out loud to a really funny book,
I will sit on the couch and cry as one character professes his love to another gets brutally turned away,
I'll also cry when a character your are invested in gets her first kiss from the man she loves and the author writes it in such a way that you feel the emotion coursing through her veins.
I will bring my tools (a highlighter, bookmark and some kind of writing implement) when I am getting ready to sit down and read.
Some people don't like to write in their books, but sometimes there are passages, phrases, quotes that I need to remember, that speak to me in some way.
That remind me of the beauty that can be found in this life,
that put into words exactly what I am feeling at that moment with a grace that I would never be able to find
they put into writing the words you are unable to say and often don't even realize you had bottled up inside you until that moment when you look down at the black on white mastery in your hands and suddenly something just opens up inside you.
I will pick up a book as soon as I step into a book shop and give the pages a very quick leaf through just so I can smell the book
(one of the best smells in the world, if you ask me!)
I will re-read the same book multiple times every once in a while and still feel the same emotions I did the first time.
I will spend some time after I finish reading a book and ponder about the humanity of the characters. I wonder if I would have their strength/courage/humility/grace (or lack thereof) if I were placed in their situation.
I get angry when I am invested in a character in my book and they are slighted;  I get sad when they are hurt, etc.
I will play the "one more chapter and then I'll go to sleep" game until I look out my window see the sun rising and realize that I read the entire night...
but I won't regret it.

It is something that comes from within and only another book lover can truly understand.

I have a confession to make I haven't been reading much these days. 
I know, I read three books while home for Christmas...
but there is so much to do that reading hasn't been at the top of the list, and that is a shame!

I have way more books than I have read and I keep buying them because I say, "I'll get to them eventually".
They are my own personal Library.

Well, I am moving (but that's for another post) and I am going to have to get rid of a ton of my books (the horror!).
There are certain books that I will definitely keep,
there are others that I read that were good, but nothing super special.
and then there are those that are sitting there, waiting for their turn.
I realize there is now way I am going to get through them all, so I have selected a few lucky ones that will get their turn.

The lucky few are:
Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin
Winkie by Clifford Chase
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
A Thousand Days in Venice by Marlena De Blasi 
(I don't know if it's any good, but it would be a shame not to read it while I am in Italy!)
Firmin by Sam Savage
The Translator by John Crowley
Book Lover by Jennifer Kaufman and Karen Mack
and the book I just started last night
The Dud Avocado by Elaine Dundy

We'll see how long it takes me to get through those, I might add more depending on how much time I have.
I'll let you know how the books are when I am done :)

(I also noticed I have multiple copies of: Lady Chatterley's Lover, The Catcher in the Rye, Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and The Devil Wears Prada. If anyone wants a copy of any of these books let me know!)

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