Sunday, February 6, 2011


1) For many, many years during my teens I never wore my hair down...EVER!
I had this frizzy, curly-ish rats nest for hair and no knowledge of mousse or of what a straightening iron was.
Therefore, my hairdo consisted of gel-ing my hair down to my head and picking it up into a bun...and I wore this for YEARS!!!
When I was 16 I went to the UK and on the plane ride this woman lectured me on the importance of wearing your hair down...I thought she was crazy!
The funny thing is, I usually wear my hair down now...if it's up, it's because it's my day between washings and it's not clean enough to be down.
Funny how in 10 years my hair style has gone from one opposite to the other.
( After months and months of straightening my hair almost daily, I decided to see what would happen if I wore it curly...the picture above is what I got. I wonder how long it would take to get it back to it's natural curliness.)

2) I haven't shaved my legs in two weeks.
(maybe it's more like 2 weeks and a few days, but 2 weeks is all I am willing to cop to!)
I tell myself it is ok, because I have been so busy that I have had to take quick showers lately 
and anyway, I am not dating anyone right now and therefore have no plan on letting anyone feel them up.

However, I must admit that even when I wasn't single it would happen on occasion.
I'm not a shave-my-legs-everyday kind of gal... 
I usually shave 2x a week.

I remember once I was cuddling in bed with my ex and he move his hand up my pant leg to touch my calf and I stopped him and told him I hadn't shaved my legs in longer than I liked to admit.
 He said he didn't care, I said I did. 
He ran his hand up my calf anyway.
 I asked him if it grossed him out, because let's be honest, it even grossed me out. 
His response was, "It doesn't gross me out at all, no matter how hairy your legs could possibly get, they would still be softer than mine."
I think I feel in love with him a little bit more that day!

3) I am not sure I want children. I am up in the air about it.
If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't.
I don't think I would feel unfulfilled if I didn't have them.
However, I do keep a list of names I LOVE for children.

4) Sometimes when I am home alone, I speak to myself in a british accent.
I will just say the most random things to myself
I will partake in conversations I would like to have with various people.
It's fun.
You should all try it!

5) The above photo is a picture of my dinner. 
It was born out of pure laziness.
I had no desire to cook and seeing that the only person I have to feed is myself I made the easiest thing possible
 (have I mentioned how much I LOVE being single).
 I grabbed some 8 grain bread, threw some herb cream cheese on it (yum!)
Then I cut up some apple in a big mug, added some cut up kiwi, some crushed walnuts, some plain yogurt and a dash of sugar... mixed it all together and..
Dinner was served!

5 confessions is all you get today!

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