Monday, January 24, 2011

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark

Ok, maybe not in Denmark, but definitely in my kitchen.
Can I just say that it highly disturbs me that it's the STATE of Denmark. Umm, Shakespeare, I know you are one of the greats and all, but Denmark is a COUNTRY. 
Unless, it wasn't in your time and only a state, in which case...sorry!
I think I remember from high school that it was a reference to the how crappy the politics in Denmark were at the time, I dunno. 
Anyway, I digress...

I walked into my kitchen this evening and there is definitely a funky smell in there. 
Basically, it stinks!
We have been on a hunt for the culprit, but just can't figure it out.
We just cleaned the fridge and freezer and threw out any fruits that were gross 2 days ago, so it can't be any of those.
We don't have a garbage disposal and the sink is nice and clean.
We took out the trash last night.
What could it be?

Culprit, we WILL find you...
You have been warned!

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