When it comes to a new year I have my own little philosophy...
I never go calender year to calender year, my new year starts on my birthday!
In my head it goes a little something like this,
"24 suuuuucked,
25 started out a bit rocky but overall was a pretty awesome year,
let's see how 26 pans out"
Call me superstitious, but even numbered years tend to be a little more on the crappy side than my odd numbered years.
I don't know why this is, but I am hoping my little theory is wrong,
because I would like for this year to not suck!
I have a lot of big plans coming up for this year...
... but before we get into that let's have a little recap of 25.
In January my new year (i.e. my birthday) began with a spa day and dancing with my girlfriends.
I also started a new job which has affected me drastically.
In February I ended things for good with my boyfriend of 5 years.
For the first time in my adult life I was truly single.
So, I dyed my hair and went out to celebrate!
(There is a difference in the hair color between the first picture and the second, I swear)
In March one of my closest friends, Giuditta, graduated...and we celebrated...Italian style!
I also spent a great deal of time hanging out with my friends Keith and Anita.
In April my friend Anita and I went to Amsterdam.
We saw canals, tulips as big as our hands, windmills and ate amazing food.
We also got stuck there for a few extra days because all air travel was suspended due to a volcano in Iceland.
In the end, we ended up having to endure an 18+ hr train ride home.
In May I helped organize a training weekend for work and I met Andrea, Letizia and Mina, three people who have become very dear friends (though, of course, I couldn't have known that at the time.)
my little town of Trento had its yearly summer celebration,
and my roommate and I spent some time getting some sun out on our balcony.
In July I house-sat for my friends Keith and Anita, where I got a bit too much sun.
I also volunteered as in interpreter at a camp for kids with serious pathologies in Ireland.
It was a life-changing experience, to say the least, and I made some amazing friends.
In August I found this beautiful video,
went to Munich to visit a friend,
went to Salzburg,
had more fun nights out with my roomie
and capped off a summer of constantly hanging out with Andrea.
In September my friend Letizia came to visit and we celebrated a mutual friend's birthday...in a castle.
I made a life-changing decision, which I have yet to make public.
In October I cut my hair,
got a nasty virus,
and went to Parma to visit the ever-so-lovely Lety (and thoroughly enjoyed her mom's cooking)!
Oh, almost forgot...Andrea and I went to a halloween party at my roommates castle (a.k.a. her house).
In November I got one of the nicest compliments from my roommate.
Celebrated Thanksgiving with a fun group of Americans.
Joined the gym and went 4x/week.
I went to visit Andrea in his hometown of VENICE and saw it from a true venetian's point of view
In December had one of the best days ever.
I went home for a month!!!
I also spent Christmas with my family for the first time in years.
Spent some much needed time with the loves of my life!
I got to hang out with my friends...
...aaaaand I found the PERFECT red lipstick!
In January (up until the 15th that is)
I celebrated New Years Eve with my best friend,
was actually around to celebrate my nephew's birthday (5!)
and I went to the beach, saw some calm waves, took off my shoes and dug my feet into the sand...
it was pure bliss!
My family also celebrated my birthday early before I left for Italy.
Like I said, 25 was pretty good....
Let's hope 26 is just as good, if not better!
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