Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark (update)

Today, I figured it out. 

When I got back from California TWO WEEKS AGO my roommate made stuffed eggplants. 
We all ate some and I guess at the time no one realized there was one leftover...
Well, I guess no one EVER did.

Today my friend, Anita, came over for lunch and we decided to throw some french fries into the oven.
I go to open the oven and the stench just hits me...
I look inside and what do I see...
the NASTIESTMOLDIEST, most DISGUSTING looking stuffed eggplant in the history of man.
I promptly wrapped it up in the foil it was in and threw it out.

...And with that the mystery of the stench was solved.

P.S. if you ever have a stench in your kitchen and you've checked all the usual places, 
make sure you check the oven!

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